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TLM-P: initial decades in Australia

TLM-P was only just 19 years old when, on 29 December 1838, he stepped aboard a ship for Australia. His memoir of his trip is descriptive but not introspective: there is nothing on why or on why Australia - nor on how he spent that last Christmas with his family, just four days before he sailed. His ship was the Roxburgh Castle (pictured) which he described as 'an old Indiaman [cargo ship used by the East India Company] of some 600 tons'.

Remarkably, we have two first-hand passenger accounts of the voyage - one by TLM-P and other by the Rev. W Clarke.2)

The voyage got off to a bad start as the weather in the channel was so bad that, after a fortnight, the ship made an unscheduled stop at Portsmouth. Clarke stated that the bad weather was caused by one of the worst hurricanes on record to hit England.3) TLM-P clained he had had bad voyages while in the navy without ever being seasick, but this short trip was the one he vividly recalled some 40 years later, as 'misery'.4) The upside was that his family lived nearby, so - quite unexpectedly - he was able to see them again. The Roxburgh Castle finally called into Plymouth to collect more passengers then left England, from Portsmouth, on 22 January 1839.5)

Sailing to Australia was a perilous undertaking: there was danger from shipwreck (the Roxburgh Castle was lost at sea two years later) and TLM-P recalled 15 deaths from typhoid fever (10 children and 5 adults according to the ship's records. Whatever the passengers feared, the medical officer at least decided it was not typhoid or any other infectious disease.) It voyage was also lengthy: it was over five months before the Roxburgh Castle entered the heads of Sydney Harbour on 26 May 1839.6)

For more on this voyage, click 'Roxburgh Castle' memoir.

What if TLM-P had delayed his trip, emigrating to Sydney nine months later? Then he may have sailed on The Alfred and met an adventurous 21 year old named Emily Darvall and her family. She came from a similar background and her family emigrated with the intention of making a quick fortune and returning home in a few years. Would she and TLM-P have married if they shared the passage out? For in 1840, Emily married a fellow passenger, Robert Barton. He had a similar background to TLM-P: an ex-sailor (with the East India Company) whose family had been Anglo-Irish, with strong European connections (like the Darvalls, his family owned vineyards in France) and an ambition to run his own property in rural Australia.7) As it turned out, Emily Darvall would never have a romantic connection to TLM-P; instead, when he married for a second time, she become his mother-in-law.

The colony of NSW, when TLM-P arrived in 1839, was still a tiny settlement of less than 120,000 white inhabitants and an unknown number of Aboriginal people surviving despite introduced diseases and the violent takeover of their country. Governor Macquarie had planned on a grand scale with roads, civic buildings
dictionaryofsydney.org_sites_default_files_media_c9b4a2d37d0f6d40e068ccf674566e30567b9b19.jpg and an impressive Government House for himself.www.thecultureconcept.com_wp-content_uploads_2009_12_government-house-sydney-1840.jpg. (The two illustrations, of the area around Hyde park, and Government House, are both from 1840). Nevertheless, as seen in the following illustration of George Street, also in 1840, Sydney was still a small town.8)
Transportation would soon cease in the eastern states, but in the 1840s, the convicts' conditions deteriorated and many families would, for generations, hide what was called the criminal stain. Thanks to propagandists like William Charles Wentworth and the introduction of assisted migration, TLM-P (and the Darvalls and Robert Barton) was far from the only free migrant to arrive in NSW in 1839: there were 10,549 of them, plus 2,314 convicts.9)

Elena Grainger, The remarkable Reverend Clarke: the life and times of the father of Australian geology, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1982.
Elena Grainger, The remarkable Reverend Clarke: the life and times of the father of Australian geology, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1982, p.59.
TLM-P, Draft memoirs of a voyage from London to Sydney on the 'Roxburgh Castle' [c.1879], MLMSS6576 (copied from Praed papers, Oxley Library.
6); TLM-P, Draft memoirs of a voyage from London to Sydney on the 'Roxburgh Castle' [c.1879], MLMSS6576 (copied from Praed papers, Oxley Library.
Jeremy Long (ed.) Strugglers and Settlers. Darvall Family Letters 1839-1849,Springwood NSW: Butterfly Books, 1994, esp. p.128
and remained so for decades despite being declared a city in 1842.
Wray Vamplew (ed.), Australians Historical Statistics, fairfax, Syme and Weldon, 1987, pp.26, 104-05.
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  • Last modified: 2018/12/06 20:17
  • by judith