
Sketches of Maroon

These peaceful scenes are said to be of Maroon.1). They are on a loose piece of paper with no clue to who drew them.

The next 3 paintings are by unknown person. E.S. M-P has written on the back that they are of Maroon Station, an identification supported by the view of the distinctive mountains and given they are a matched set of paintings.2)

A painting through a window at Maroon, by an unknown artist. Again the distinctive mountains help identify the location.3)4)

Provenance of all illustrations on this page: J. Godden
2) , 3)
Deb Stenzel, email to J Godden, 15 July 2023
Provenance: Jill Fleming
  • sketches.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/21 18:21
  • by judith