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====== The Marroon Magazine ====== [sp?]

The Marroon Magazine was no light undertaking - this one was 159 pages long, and much of it written by M.M.P (Matilda) and Rosa, the future novelist. Some note of contents:

  1. TLM-P had traditional views on women, but this issue reveals that, while the gender divisions are clear, at least one of his daughters had other ideas. This story is a romance with a twist! The hero marries another; he is duly unhappy and his wife leaves him. Traditionally, the heroine dies of a broken heart, but not this one! Instead the hero dies leaving all he possesses to the heroine 'thus rendering me independent for life'! The sign-off is equally subversive: the writer hopes the reader has enjoyed the story although it has been written by “An Old Maid”. (given the standard of writing, most likely the 15 year-old Rosa rather than 12 year old Lizzie)
  2. Essays and poems about celebrated women such as (Joan of Arc and Catherine de Medici) signed 'M.M.P.'
  3. Other essays are on famous men such as Cardinal Mazarin
  4. 'M.M.P.' was Matilda as is evident in one of the other poems signed 'M.M.P.' commending good behaviour by Lizzie and Redmond. The poem is entitled 'Lizzie's dolls' and ends with

Lizzie and Reddy are good children ever
Though not very bright, nor yet very clever
When Hervey and Hugh are making a noise
They quietly play with their dolls and their toys.

  1. A light-hearted and clever take on a feature of the papers of the time is 'Fashionable Intelligence'. The item that His Holiness the Pope left Marroon for Brisbane appears a teasing reference to the eldest son of the family, Thomas de Montmorenci M-P. Visitors were noted in the style of such items: amongst others, 'Mrs Pope' (check) entertained the Bundocks (Mary Bundock would marry into the family) and Richard Harpur. There is also a note that 'Miss Hollinsworth, known to readers as 'Aston Rose'(?) left Maroon 'to our regret'. The girls' governess?
  2. Rosa (then calling herself Rosie Prior) demonstrated her literary talents with Chapter 1 of a long story entitled Barbarian's Dream. Her preciosity is also seen in her poem the 'Roman Battle Song' with its note that it had been written by 9-year-old 'RMP' in 1860.
  3. 'T. de M. M.P.' (Thomas Montmorenci M-P) contributed an essay on steam navigation and possibly other items including a poem on the joys of riding:

You may take pleasure in sailing
A horse for me with a pace like the wind
That leaves all my rivals far behind …

Source: Praed papers, QJO Library, … Box 3.

  • magazine.1509328313.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/10/30 12:51
  • by judith