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Lizzie and John Jardine

This photo, from Nora M-P's album, is a rather indistinct one of Lizzie as a child. The next 5 are from her father's album. As they are labelled Lizzie Murray-Prior, they are presumably all before her marriage. The first is definitely so, as she too young to have her hair up, a rite of passage indicating the girl had become a woman.
Her father labelled the next photo 'Mrs Jardine':

This photo of Lizzie was taken on 4 June 1878; the original is in QJO.2)

The NLA holds numerous photos of Lizzie and her later home, Aberfoyle Station.3)

Is this unidentified photo also Lizzie?4)

Lizzie Jardine died 10 (other sources say 19th) December 1940 at Surfers Paradise of unspecified causes.5)

There can be confusion with 'Lizzie Jardine' - it is not a common name, but it was also the maiden name of Lizzie's sister-in-law. She was 'noted for her beauty [and] married Colonel Wilbraham'6), actually Colonel Arthur Bootle-Wilbraham. The marriage took place at the fashionable church for weddings in London - St. George Hanover Square - on 19 July 1875.7) From his diary entry when TLM-P met up with Lizzie at his daughter Rosie's home, at some stage he had asked her to marry him. After commenting on her 'same sweet smile', he wrote that 'Whilst she was talking I was thinking of the old days and what a difference it would gave made in both our lives if she had. [Wisely, given his wife would read his diary, he added] Hope she is as satisfied with her lot as I am.' Perhaps she was thinking the same or he became more cautious in his diary entries, as the next day Lizzie again visited Rosie but, while again displaying her 'nice smile', TLM-P found her 'thin and subdued looking'.8)

Lizzie and John Robert Jardine had three children.9)

1. Rosa Katherine Maule Jardine (14 March 1884-1973)10). She was baptised at Rockhampton on about 16 June 1884 by the Rev. Diggins. Her aunt Rosa Praed was a godmother.11) She married Eric Molle (b. 14 March 1884) 12)

2. John Lodge Murray Jardine (1 September 1888 - 29 July 1916).13) When he joined the army, John gave his occupation as station manager. His photo (shown below) was published in The Queenslander Pictorial, 26 February 1916, p.23. In July that year, just 5 months later, he was killed in action at Pozières, France.14)

3. Francis (Frank) Alexander Lascelles Jardine (14 February 1893 - 195015) born at Albion, Brisbane. When he joined the army, his occupation was a 'mercantile clerk'. He enlisted in 5th Light Horse Regiment shortly after the outbreak of World War I and served at Gallipoli. He was wounded in action by shrapnel in his thigh, sent to hospitals in Malta then England before being invalided home in 1916, as medically unfit for further action.16)} He married Madge Dorothy Ellen Blackman in 192417); their son Murray Hugh Lascelles Jardine was born in Brisbane on 23 July 1925 and died c.26 October 2004. He married Alma Glenise Byrne on 3 June 1950 at St. Marks Church of England, Brisbane. He reportedly served in the airforce during World War II. 18)

Provenance of last photo: T.A. & M.T. M-P
M-P family papers, NLA, MS7801, Box 7, folders 43, 46.
Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P
Cairns Post, 5 December 1940
TLM-P, Diary 18-19 July 1882
Thomas Bertram M-P, Some Australasian Families Descended from Royalty, ms, n.d. p.9, NLA; Robert M-P, The Blood Royal of the Murray-Priors, p.16, NLA.
‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry; Jill Fleming, email to J. Godden, 18 January 2018; familypedia.wilia.com
‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.
T.A. M-P, family tree
QBDM, registration no. F4384.
Jill Fleming, email to J. Godden, 18 January 2018; familypedia.wilia.com
Queensland marriage registration B35687
  • jardines.1542861971.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/11/22 15:46
  • by judith