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Captain Thomas Prior and Elizabeth Fairfax

Captain Thomas Prior's grandfather was Thomas Prior, and his father John Prior of Essex.1) Captain Prior was sent to Ireland in 1636 with his regiment, part of a military response to Irish resistance to English rule. The first thought is that he was part of Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army who fought in Ireland. They were given land under the benign sounding Act of Settlement in 1652 and 1657; land forfeited from Irish owners after the rebellion of 1641. But the New Model Army was not formed until 1645 and, by then, Captain Prior had been in Ireland for nine years.

There is a connection to Cromwell's Puritans but not as may be expected. Captain Thomas Prior's wife was Elizabeth Fairfax, daughter of Lord Fairfax of Cameron, the commander of the Parliamentary Army in the English Civil War. It was her second marriage. With his marriage, Captain Prior sided with the republican side in the English Civil War, but the more moderate faction. Consequently, he was deemed loyal to the monarchy after it was restored in 1660.

On 30 March 1667, King Charles II granted Captain Prior three estates of some 800 acres (nearly 324 hectares) at Rathdowney, Creallagh and Kilcoran ‘etc’ in the Barony of Upper Ossory in Queen’s County (now County Laois).2) Prior’s grant greatly benefited the family, but spare a thought for Morgan Cashin and Bryan McWilliam Fitzpatrick and their families whose land and homes were taken from them. The Fitzpatricks, for example, had been Barons of Upper Ossory since 1541.

Thomas and Elizabeth Prior's eldest son and heir was Thomas.

Sources: to do Family Bible, Kavanagh, Burke's Landed? Gentry, Desmond Clarke, Tom M-P booklet.

Burke's ? landed? Gentry, entry for Prior of Essex, and of Rathdowney, Queen's County.
Rosa Caroline Praed Papers, QJO Mss OM64-01, Box 10/7/1: 1910 typescript of the grant, supplied by by Robert M-P in 1947; Burke.
  • captain_thomas_prior.1506337372.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/09/25 21:02
  • by judith