Painting, photos of Florence M-P

Beautiful Florence M-P from TLM-P's album.1) The copy held by Tom M-P has written on the back, that it was taken in September 1878. Contrary to the impression given by this photo, in other photos she is dark haired.
This photo is one that Colin Roderick donated to the SLNSW and identified as Maud Praed, Rosa's daughter. It seems almost certainly to be actually Florence. What do you think?

The subject of this painting was identified by Minnie Violet (Vi) M-P as Florence M-P though that seems doubtful.2)

Florence M-P's watch.3)
Some sheets of piano music with the name 'F.C. Murray-Prior' written on them have survived: the following is an example.4)

Provenance: J.Godden
Provenance: Tom & Therese M-P
3) , 4)
Provenance: T.A & M.T. M-P