====== Hervey Morres and Frances Butler ====== [[wp>Hervey_Morres,_1st_Viscount_Mountmorres|Hervey Morres]] of Castle Morres, county Kilkenny married Frances Butler, elder daughter of [[wp>Piers_Butler_of_Duiske|the Hon. Colonel Piers Butler]]. The Morres had been a Catholic family, but Hervey Morres secured his and his family’s future by not only converting to Protestantism but joining [[wp>Oliver_Cromwell|Cromwell]]’s Puritan, anti-Catholic army. He was well rewarded for doing so: in 1684 he was granted property, presumably confiscated from its previous owners, which was renamed Castle Morres. He married three times (Frances was his third wife) and lived to a ripe old age, dying aged 99.((Art Kavanagh, //De Montmorency of Castle Morres// …, The Gentry & Aristocracy Kilkenny Series, 2013; Burke’s Royal Families of England Scotland and Wales: entry for Andrew Redmond Prior Esq.))