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tlm-p_s_diaries [2023/11/24 10:35] – [Diary for 21 May - 30 August 1882] judithtlm-p_s_diaries [2024/06/24 21:15] (current) – [Diary for 1888] judith
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 This diary reveals a number of fundamentals about TLM-P. One is his insatiable curiosity apparently uninhibited by snobbery or any concept of British reserve. He chats to anyone he thought interesting, regardless of considerations of their social standing or, in the case of two women on the train, concerns about their morality - well, one did shock by smoking, though TLM-P was not sure whether it was a 'lark' or indicating they were 'not what they should be'(24 June). He habitually notes information about fellow travellers that he could only know from talking to them and provides details that strangers have provided when questioned by him. He frequently recounts good yarns told by all sorts of people, such as a 'pointsman', railway worker he met on the train.(19 August) A typical entry was when taking a coach to the Derby races, and he was pleased to be seated next to the driver, 'a very decent man  [who] ... told me all about the road'.(24 May) TLM-P usually wrote fairly prosaically, but in describing the dancing chaos of Derby traffic he became more poetic: 'huge public conveyances crammed full of of all kinds of people, aristocratic private carriages containing well dressed people, hackney coaches, hansoms, phaetons, dog carts, spring carts, pony carriages, donkey trucks in fact every kind of conveyance, all these mixed up shouting, laughing, trying to pass one another, mixing up and getting clear most surprisingly.'(24 May) He missed few opportunities to ask about matters relating to Australian meat (e.g. 19 August). On 26th May, for example: '//passing a butchers shop I was having a look at their beef when ... [butcher] asked me if I would like to see the shop so we got into conversation and he shewed me all over asking "my missus" [actually his step-sister Jemima] to come too ... I told the man I was in the trade and had an invitation to his farm which I shall avail myself of some day ... I was glad to be able to compare [his beef] .. with ours as my eye was fresh for a comparison.//' Similarly when visiting his step-sister Jemima at Portsmouth, he called into the local butcher's shop to get the men's opinion on Australian meat. The day before he had accidentally bought a 3rd class rather than 1st class ticket on the train from Rosa's to London, but soon '//got into chat with some decent men of the trade or manufacturing class and reaped as much information from them as I could. Found the Australian wheat liked// ...'.(2-3 June 1882; for similar chat with farmers on a train see 7 June).\\ This diary reveals a number of fundamentals about TLM-P. One is his insatiable curiosity apparently uninhibited by snobbery or any concept of British reserve. He chats to anyone he thought interesting, regardless of considerations of their social standing or, in the case of two women on the train, concerns about their morality - well, one did shock by smoking, though TLM-P was not sure whether it was a 'lark' or indicating they were 'not what they should be'(24 June). He habitually notes information about fellow travellers that he could only know from talking to them and provides details that strangers have provided when questioned by him. He frequently recounts good yarns told by all sorts of people, such as a 'pointsman', railway worker he met on the train.(19 August) A typical entry was when taking a coach to the Derby races, and he was pleased to be seated next to the driver, 'a very decent man  [who] ... told me all about the road'.(24 May) TLM-P usually wrote fairly prosaically, but in describing the dancing chaos of Derby traffic he became more poetic: 'huge public conveyances crammed full of of all kinds of people, aristocratic private carriages containing well dressed people, hackney coaches, hansoms, phaetons, dog carts, spring carts, pony carriages, donkey trucks in fact every kind of conveyance, all these mixed up shouting, laughing, trying to pass one another, mixing up and getting clear most surprisingly.'(24 May) He missed few opportunities to ask about matters relating to Australian meat (e.g. 19 August). On 26th May, for example: '//passing a butchers shop I was having a look at their beef when ... [butcher] asked me if I would like to see the shop so we got into conversation and he shewed me all over asking "my missus" [actually his step-sister Jemima] to come too ... I told the man I was in the trade and had an invitation to his farm which I shall avail myself of some day ... I was glad to be able to compare [his beef] .. with ours as my eye was fresh for a comparison.//' Similarly when visiting his step-sister Jemima at Portsmouth, he called into the local butcher's shop to get the men's opinion on Australian meat. The day before he had accidentally bought a 3rd class rather than 1st class ticket on the train from Rosa's to London, but soon '//got into chat with some decent men of the trade or manufacturing class and reaped as much information from them as I could. Found the Australian wheat liked// ...'.(2-3 June 1882; for similar chat with farmers on a train see 7 June).\\
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-Another notable result of TLM-P chatting to anyone he could, was the number of strangers he met who had relatives in, or had been in, Australia or new Zealand. On a train to Reading he had the coincidence that so many travellers experience: a man in the carriage asked if he knew his cousin called Hodgson. It turned out the cousin's daughter had married 'Mick Daisey' who lived 'within 20 miles' of TLM-P (12 July). At other times it was clear that if one family member was in Australia, others were likely to follow. When TLM-P visited General Darvall, it was no surprise to find that Mrs Johnston [perhaps a daughter?] had married the younger brother of an assistant clerk of the Brisbane Council.(20 August). The general's neighbours 'all asked many questions of  [about] Mrs Barton and all her belongings. Mrs Johnston was at Sydney with her father in [18]68 from India and knew them all. Sent many messages especially the Genl. to his sister Emily of whom he appeared to be very fond. Nora was in England when they were in Australia. The Genl. had taken a great fancy to Arthur. Many of those he visited had connections with Australia, e.g friend Mr Talmage at Bristol whose wife had Australian relatives.(24 August)\+Another notable result of TLM-P chatting to anyone he could, was the number of strangers he met who had relatives in, or had been in, Australia or new Zealand. On a train to Reading he had the coincidence that so many travellers experience: a man in the carriage asked if he knew his cousin called Hodgson. It turned out the cousin's daughter had married 'Mick Daisey' who lived 'within 20 miles' of TLM-P (12 July). At other times it was clear that if one family member was in Australia, others were likely to follow. When TLM-P visited General Ned Darvall, it was no surprise to find that Mrs Johnston [perhaps a daughter?] had married the younger brother of an assistant clerk of the Brisbane Council.(20 August). The General's neighbours 'all asked many questions of  [about] Mrs Barton and all her belongings. Mrs Johnston was at Sydney with her father in [18]68 from India and knew them all. Sent many messages especially the Genl. to his sister Emily of whom he appeared to be very fond. Nora was in England when they were in Australia. The Genl. had taken a great fancy to Arthur. Many of those he visited had connections with Australia, e.g friend Mr Talmage at Bristol whose wife had Australian relatives.(24 August)\
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 His joy in the company of his grandchildren is clear. He thought Rosa's sons: 'fine, healthy little fellows ... boys splendid' (27 May) and relates how he could not write up his 'log' (diary) as the boys came in to see him in the mornings 'and insist upon a story' in bed.(30 May, 13, 14 & 18 August). He was equally affectionate about 'poor dear little Maudie' when visiting her at her 'college'... No one would think that she could neither hear nor speak.... [he thought the teachers should be] 'bright, quick and amiable' ... 'Maudie is a darling little creature'.(13 June) \\ His joy in the company of his grandchildren is clear. He thought Rosa's sons: 'fine, healthy little fellows ... boys splendid' (27 May) and relates how he could not write up his 'log' (diary) as the boys came in to see him in the mornings 'and insist upon a story' in bed.(30 May, 13, 14 & 18 August). He was equally affectionate about 'poor dear little Maudie' when visiting her at her 'college'... No one would think that she could neither hear nor speak.... [he thought the teachers should be] 'bright, quick and amiable' ... 'Maudie is a darling little creature'.(13 June) \\
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-His diary also makes clear his pride in and support for [[rosa_praed|Rosie]]'s writings- e.g. 'Rosie ... hearing her read what she has done of her new book, much interested in it and think it wonderfully written far surpassing anything she has done yet, but must think over it". (31 May) They talked regularly about her writings (e.g.31 May) and he suggested  a sequel to her latest story which he thought was 'interesting;' and would 'remove any criticism from goodie goodie people' ... I hope she will adopt it or something similar.' (1 June). While he was eager to contribute, it is clear he did so as a supportive reader rather than as a stereotypical  authoritarian Victorian father. It is notable that Rosie read from her work, while he listened (1 July) and was approving of her writing (8 July). Later he was reading the first volume of her next book 'Molock' - 'well written and forceable do not see any thing objectional in this vol. gave opinion to writing a preface & small alternations'(12 August) He was even more impressed with volume 2: 'So far it is well written, I think the best of Rosies, the interest is intense' - so much so, when he went to bed he dreamed of the heroine's plight and how to change things so that 'the moralists' would not attack her -'It got a great hold upon me and I could not sleep but spent a restless awestruck night. Will Rosie see it as I do?'(13 August). In the end it was Rosie's publisher George Bentley who forced the plot changes.\\+His diary also makes clear his pride in and support for [[rosa_praed|Rosie]]'s writings- e.g. 'Rosie ... hearing her read what she has done of her new book, much interested in it and think it wonderfully written far surpassing anything she has done yet, but must think over it". (31 May) They talked regularly about her writings (e.g.31 May) and he suggested  a sequel to her latest story which he thought was 'interesting;' and would 'remove any criticism from goodie goodie people' ... I hope she will adopt it or something similar.' (1 June). While he was eager to contribute, it is clear he did so as a supportive reader rather than as a stereotypical  authoritarian Victorian father. It is notable that Rosie read from her work, while he listened (1 July) and was approving of her writing (8 July). Later he was reading the first volume of her next book 'Molock' - 'well written and forceable do not see any thing objectional in this vol. gave opinion to writing a preface & small alternations'(12 August) He was even more impressed with volume 2: 'So far it is well written, I think the best of Rosie's, the interest is intense' - so much so, when he went to bed he dreamed of the heroine's plight and how to change things so that 'the moralists' would not attack her -'It got a great hold upon me and I could not sleep but spent a restless awestruck night. Will Rosie see it as I do?'(13 August). In the end it was Rosie's publisher George Bentley who forced the plot changes.\\
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 While in London, TLM-P gave Rosa money, but was surprised to discover that she could not open an account without her husband's permission.(14 July) Fortunately, Campbell gave his permission and TLM-P deposited money into her new account with her in-law's family bank, Praed Bank. He began her account with an Australian cheque for £517 (£500sterling). TLM-P then signed a declaration that "This money to be taken as part of the money left by me to Rosie in my will and to be deducted from that amount.'(21 June) Before he left London, he showed his support in another practical way: he and Rosie 'went to the publishers, Chapman & Hall, arranged matters. Mr Chapman thought about 750 copies and to send a lot in one vol. to Australia for which another & further arrangement was to be made.'(18 August) While in London, TLM-P gave Rosa money, but was surprised to discover that she could not open an account without her husband's permission.(14 July) Fortunately, Campbell gave his permission and TLM-P deposited money into her new account with her in-law's family bank, Praed Bank. He began her account with an Australian cheque for £517 (£500sterling). TLM-P then signed a declaration that "This money to be taken as part of the money left by me to Rosie in my will and to be deducted from that amount.'(21 June) Before he left London, he showed his support in another practical way: he and Rosie 'went to the publishers, Chapman & Hall, arranged matters. Mr Chapman thought about 750 copies and to send a lot in one vol. to Australia for which another & further arrangement was to be made.'(18 August)
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 While he had retained a love of his original homeland and, like his contemporaries, saw no conflict between being British and colonial, his diary entries make it clear he also saw himself as irrevocably Australian. When attending a society wedding, he looked around at thought the Australians 'looked as well as any there' and were more friendly so made the wedding more enjoyable for all.(3 August) At times, his preference strongly swung to Australia over Britain. One such occasion was when he had opened a front window at his sister Louisa's home in London and forgot to shut it overnight. A policeman (these were the days of regular foot patrols, at least in the wealthier areas) called in the next morning to point this out, warning that the house might have been robbed. TLM-P was mortified that he'd risked his sister's possessions, but also ended with the sardonic comment, 'a nice country to live in'.(16 July) A final aspect of TLM-P's character as revealed in this diary, is his empathy for the servants he encountered. He thought that the Misses Sterlings' servants were good because the mistresses were so nice, making it a happy home for all.(17 June 1882) and he gave his step-sister's servant 5 shillings as a present on her 18th birthday, commenting that it 'delighted the poor girl who told Jemima no one had done it before.'(23 June 1882)\\ While he had retained a love of his original homeland and, like his contemporaries, saw no conflict between being British and colonial, his diary entries make it clear he also saw himself as irrevocably Australian. When attending a society wedding, he looked around at thought the Australians 'looked as well as any there' and were more friendly so made the wedding more enjoyable for all.(3 August) At times, his preference strongly swung to Australia over Britain. One such occasion was when he had opened a front window at his sister Louisa's home in London and forgot to shut it overnight. A policeman (these were the days of regular foot patrols, at least in the wealthier areas) called in the next morning to point this out, warning that the house might have been robbed. TLM-P was mortified that he'd risked his sister's possessions, but also ended with the sardonic comment, 'a nice country to live in'.(16 July) A final aspect of TLM-P's character as revealed in this diary, is his empathy for the servants he encountered. He thought that the Misses Sterlings' servants were good because the mistresses were so nice, making it a happy home for all.(17 June 1882) and he gave his step-sister's servant 5 shillings as a present on her 18th birthday, commenting that it 'delighted the poor girl who told Jemima no one had done it before.'(23 June 1882)\\
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-TLM-P was also clear that his diary would be read by others, or at least by Nora as he complained of spending too much time with Dr Beamish, a Salvation Army officer who had been in Australia, 'instead of a nice letter to dear old wife to let her see how I think of her and love her'(14 June). He was also careful to detail his visit in June to Falmouth to stay with her cousins, the Misses Julia and Hester Sterling, at The Crag House above [[|the beautiful cove that is Maenporth beach]]. He described their home and garden and visit to 'Miss [Caroline] Fox' who local history sources see as the Sterling girls' unofficial guardian.((The Sterling Family: In 1840, John Sterling retreated to Falmouth while awaiting a ship heading to Maderia, however his departure was short laid. John was a charismatic man who had a background of poetry and writing, and he seemed to have made a substantial impact on Falmouth and the surrounding community. Sterling’s witty and controversial writings were published in the Times and the Morning Chronical, this drew the attention of Barclay and Caroline Fox. John seemed to enjoy his stay in Falmouth and in 1841 he bought a property there. Here he lectured to acclaim at the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society (founded by the Fox family). Through several Misfortunes John found him self a widower with 7 children and in particularly bad health. After the death of his wife Susannah, Stirling and Caroline fell in love and in 1844 John proposed to Caroline, Caroline who was torn by love and faith declines the offer much to her parents concerns of marrying such a man of ill health and who was not quaker This decision results in many years of unhappiness for Caroline. Unfortunately, it was in that same year that Sterling passed away. Caroline threw herself into being a guardian for Sterling’s two daughters Julia and Hester Sterling, providing a home for the two girls. It is not known if the two sisters bought the Crag or they just lived there, but in 1872 the two sisters commissioned Alfred Waterhouse to design ‘The Crag’ – a house perched on the cliff above Maenporth Beach. Alfred Waterhouse also designed the Natural History Museum. The two Sisters became aunts by courtesy and remained in the Crag until 1911, when the two sisters had passed away. accessed 7 November 2023)) noting the 'beautiful' bedroom he was in, and the paintings by Hester Sterling 'flowers etc very much like Emmy's, [Nora's sister, Emily Paterson] there is a large portrait of a sister who died which might pass for Nora it is so like'. Miss Julia Sterling is the active member of the firm and evidently manages. her likeness to Nora is very great, and even many little ways and the manner of talking, very cheery and in all ways nice and sympathetic; anxious to know all the ins and outs of the Australian relations". Hester, he wrote, was 'not strong and takes to Art'. They had a niece staying with them 'one of the two in Nora's book [photo album'?](17 June)  He was also thinking of Nora when he visited the [[wp>Royal_Pavilion|Royal Pavilion at Brighton]]:'her grandfather who was so often here with the Regent' (probably Edward Darvall who married a young heiress - few people, including the Regent himself, could afford his indulgent lifestyle for long).\\+TLM-P was also clear that his diary would be read by others, or at least by Nora as he complained of spending too much time with Dr Beamish, a Salvation Army officer who had been in Australia, 'instead of a nice letter to dear old wife to let her see how I think of her and love her'(14 June). He was also careful to detail his visit in June to Falmouth to stay with her cousins, the Misses Julia and Hester Sterling, at The Crag House above [[|the beautiful cove that is Maenporth beach]]. He described their home and garden and visit to 'Miss [Caroline] Fox' who local history sources see as the Sterling girls' unofficial guardian.((The Sterling Family: In 1840, John Sterling retreated to Falmouth while awaiting a ship heading to Maderia, however his departure was short laid. John was a charismatic man who had a background of poetry and writing, and he seemed to have made a substantial impact on Falmouth and the surrounding community. Sterling’s witty and controversial writings were published in the Times and the Morning Chronical, this drew the attention of Barclay and Caroline Fox. John seemed to enjoy his stay in Falmouth and in 1841 he bought a property there. Here he lectured to acclaim at the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society (founded by the Fox family). Through several Misfortunes John found him self a widower with 7 children and in particularly bad health. After the death of his wife Susannah, Stirling and Caroline fell in love and in 1844 John proposed to Caroline, Caroline who was torn by love and faith declines the offer much to her parents concerns of marrying such a man of ill health and who was not Quaker. This decision results in many years of unhappiness for Caroline. Unfortunately, it was in that same year that Sterling passed away. Caroline threw herself into being a guardian for Sterling’s two daughters Julia and Hester Sterling, providing a home for the two girls. It is not known if the two sisters bought the Crag or they just lived there, but in 1872 the two sisters commissioned Alfred Waterhouse to design ‘The Crag’ – a house perched on the cliff above Maenporth Beach. Alfred Waterhouse also designed the Natural History Museum. The two Sisters became aunts by courtesy and remained in the Crag until 1911, when the two sisters had passed away. accessed 7 November 2023)) noting the 'beautiful' bedroom he was in, and the paintings by Hester Sterling 'flowers etc very much like Emmy's, [Nora's sister, Emily Paterson] there is a large portrait of a sister who died which might pass for Nora it is so like'. Miss Julia Sterling is the active member of the firm and evidently manages. her likeness to Nora is very great, and even many little ways and the manner of talking, very cheery and in all ways nice and sympathetic; anxious to know all the ins and outs of the Australian relations". Hester, he wrote, was 'not strong and takes to Art'. They had a niece staying with them 'one of the two in Nora's book [photo album'?](17 June)  He was also thinking of Nora when he visited the [[wp>Royal_Pavilion|Royal Pavilion at Brighton]]:'her grandfather who was so often here with the Regent' (probably Edward Darvall who married a young heiress - few people, including the Regent himself, could afford his indulgent lifestyle for long).\\
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-He made a number of visits to Nora's sister Georgie Martin, her husband and four children. The children, he wrote 'all made friends with Uncle Tom.'. Though enjoying Georgie's hospitality, his visit was on business and conducted at Martin's office: to confirm that Martin had relinquished his trusteeship of funds Nora would receive under terms of their marriage settlement. The second was the delicate matter that Martin was believed to have embezzled £740 when he left Queensland. TLM-P enquired minutely into Martin's story of innocence but was clearly uncertain what to believe though he wrote 'I came to the conclusion that either H.S.M[artin] is an innocent man, or a much more clever villain than I could have imagined him... I think with the Commissioner Mr A. O. Herbert that some great blunder has been made which will some day come to light but that H.S.M. has __not been guilty__.'.(4-5 June) Nevertheless, it was difficult to believe that Martin could write a cheque for such a large sum and not remember what it was for.(10 June) Later when taking Georgie around London, he assumed from her comments that she did not understand the charges, so delicately checked to find out that she did indeed know.(date?) The matter came up again when TLM-P visited the Darvalls - 'No doubt Mr D. thinks him guilty, appearances are very much against him. Still I will believe in my instinct till the matter is proven.'(23 August) His final verdict on Georgie show little appreciation of her financial struggles:'Poor georgie, takes her stand heavily but looks to the dollar [?check] as the fount of all happiness ... we parted not likely to meet again for a long time' unless he could go to Ireland and stay with them on his return.(30 August).\\+He made a number of visits to Nora's sister Georgie Martin, her husband and four children. The children, he wrote 'all made friends with Uncle Tom.'. Though enjoying Georgie's hospitality, his visit was on business and conducted at Martin's office: to confirm that Martin had relinquished his trusteeship of funds Nora would receive under terms of their marriage settlement. The second was the delicate matter that Martin was believed to have embezzled £740 when he left Queensland. TLM-P enquired minutely into Martin's story of innocence but was clearly uncertain what to believe though he wrote 'I came to the conclusion that either H.S.M[artin] is an innocent man, or a much more clever villain than I could have imagined him... I think with the Commissioner Mr A. O. Herbert that some great blunder has been made which will some day come to light but that H.S.M. has __not been guilty__.'.(4-5 June) Nevertheless, it was difficult to believe that Martin could write a cheque for such a large sum and not remember what it was for.(10 June) Later when taking Georgie around London, he assumed from her comments that she did not understand the charges, so delicately checked to find out that she did indeed know.(date?) The matter came up again when TLM-P visited the Darvalls - 'No doubt Mr D. thinks him guilty, appearances are very much against him. Still I will believe in my instinct till the matter is proven.'(23 August) His final verdict on Georgie show little appreciation of her financial struggles:'Poor Georgie, takes her stand heavily but looks to the dollar [?check] as the fount of all happiness ... we parted not likely to meet again for a long time' unless he could go to Ireland and stay with them on his return.(30 August).\\
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 Nora had written each Sunday to him while he was away and gave good news until a letter dated 25 June and received 16 August: 'Nora was troubled and I fear not in good health, too much anxiety for her. Lizzie not strong and had gone to Brisbane to meet Thesie Mort. Miss Foy [governess] delicate, seasons bad, Redmond obstinate [about what I wonder?], Hugh breaking our again [ie. drinking] and Hervey, Maggie and Mr Helicar at Maroon. Poor darling it is too much for her and I must get back as soon as I can. Wrote, and wrote to Hugh, I hope it will have some effect upon him. It is all very hard, and cut me up. To change programme instead of going to Scotland & Ireland must take Paris and be guided by next letters and if things are not getting on better go back at once.'(16 August). The mention of 'Mr Helicar' is a clue as to why TLM-P thought he was needed at home. In 1885, a notice appeared in the //Brisbane Courier// regarding 'Day & Hellicar, Solicitors for the Insolvent, Brisbane'.(8 January 1885) Was Hervey facing bankruptcy or was his wife at maroon coincidentally? Or was the financial problem with Hugh? In either case, it was something more appropriate for his father, rather than Nora, to deal with. In a later entry for the same day, TLM-P's state of mind is indicated by his repeating himself, 'Letters from Maroon make me alter my plans so as to be ready to go back of necessary, instead of going to Edinburgh and Dublin as I proposed will take the Continent first. Wrote to Nora and Hugh, Jemima and Louisa.'(16 August)\\ Nora had written each Sunday to him while he was away and gave good news until a letter dated 25 June and received 16 August: 'Nora was troubled and I fear not in good health, too much anxiety for her. Lizzie not strong and had gone to Brisbane to meet Thesie Mort. Miss Foy [governess] delicate, seasons bad, Redmond obstinate [about what I wonder?], Hugh breaking our again [ie. drinking] and Hervey, Maggie and Mr Helicar at Maroon. Poor darling it is too much for her and I must get back as soon as I can. Wrote, and wrote to Hugh, I hope it will have some effect upon him. It is all very hard, and cut me up. To change programme instead of going to Scotland & Ireland must take Paris and be guided by next letters and if things are not getting on better go back at once.'(16 August). The mention of 'Mr Helicar' is a clue as to why TLM-P thought he was needed at home. In 1885, a notice appeared in the //Brisbane Courier// regarding 'Day & Hellicar, Solicitors for the Insolvent, Brisbane'.(8 January 1885) Was Hervey facing bankruptcy or was his wife at maroon coincidentally? Or was the financial problem with Hugh? In either case, it was something more appropriate for his father, rather than Nora, to deal with. In a later entry for the same day, TLM-P's state of mind is indicated by his repeating himself, 'Letters from Maroon make me alter my plans so as to be ready to go back of necessary, instead of going to Edinburgh and Dublin as I proposed will take the Continent first. Wrote to Nora and Hugh, Jemima and Louisa.'(16 August)\\
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-TLM-P returned to Brisbane, via Sydney, arriving on 19 January 1883.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 19 January 1883, cited in Darbyshire.)) +TLM-P returned to Brisbane, via Sydney, arriving on 19 January 1883.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 19 January 1883, cited in Darbyshire.)) For an insightful analysis of this diary especially in terms of TLM-P's 'hybrid' identity as a British-Australian, see Andrew Hassam, //Through Australian Eyes: Colonial Perceptions of Imperial Britain//, Melbourne University Press, 2000. 
 ===== Diary for 1888 ===== ===== Diary for 1888 =====
-At the beginning of this diary, is a draft of a story [or a real life encounter?] in an unknown hand - perhaps Nora's though it is written from a male viewpoint.  " I led my stout partner in to supper, feeling by no means preposed [predisposed?] by her outward appearance. She was large & florid, with a loud voice & big nose[?]. I had a hazy recollection of having heard her name somewhere before & was wondering where & how & what on earth to talk to her about when she enlightened me by remarking loudly "I've often heard of you from Mrs Grives[?], she is our secretary you know & I see a great deal of her." "Secretary of [...?] a lady's club" I [...] wondering what this unintellectual female required of a secretary, & who 'we' might be. "Oh dear no! Our Metaphysical Association - do you mean to say you didn't know she was a Christian Scientist - she is a queen amongst us., we are very proud of her." I felt quite relieved at [...?] of the new [...?] & was about to have [crossed out words] even [....?] I asked her whar I should get her to eat & she said she's have some Colonial beef which I provided, thinking the while that I might have [.....?]her looks that she'd eat corned beef when I had bought it to her by way of "drawing" her from the metaphysical question I enquired if she had heard from Mrs Grives[?] ...} +This diary is located at MLMSS3117/box 6, item 3.\\ 
 +At the beginning of this diary, is a draft of a story [or a real life encounter?] in an unknown hand - perhaps Nora's though it is written from a male viewpoint.  "I led my stout partner in to supper, feeling by no means preposed [predisposed?] by her outward appearance. She was large & florid, with a loud voice & big nose[?]. I had a hazy recollection of having heard her name somewhere before & was wondering where & how & what on earth to talk to her about when she enlightened me by remarking loudly "I've often heard of you from Mrs Grives[?], she is our secretary you know & I see a great deal of her." "Secretary of [...?] a lady's club" I [...] wondering what this unintellectual female required of a secretary, & who 'we' might be. "Oh dear no! Our Metaphysical Association - do you mean to say you didn't know she was a Christian Scientist - she is a queen amongst us., we are very proud of her." I felt quite relieved at [...?] of the new [...?] & was about to have [crossed out words] even [....?] I asked her what I should get her to eat & she said she's have some Colonial beef which I provided, thinking the while that I might have [.....?]her looks that she'd eat corned beef when I had bought it to her by way of "drawing" her from the metaphysical question I enquired if she had heard from Mrs Grives[?] ...."\\ 
 +This diary also includes loose pages with answers to genealogical questions that TLM-P provided to the College of Heralds to confirm the family's coat of arms. \\ 
 TLM-P kept this diary from 3 May to 7 November. The second day of the diary sees him leaving England where he had been visiting with his wife Nora and younger children. For some unexplained reason, but perhaps related to the land dealings he alludes to in his diary, they remained behind while he - relatively briefly - returned to Queensland. TLM-P left on the P & O steamer //Victoria// on 4 May, going via the Suez Canal. He arrived in Melbourne on 12 June, then takes an overnight train to Sydney, arriving at noon the next day. While in Sydney he stayed with his mother-in-law in her home //Rockend// at Gladesville; he refers to her formally as 'Mrs Barton'. He was to go to //Ryedale//, presumably to see Jane Darvall, but instead she visited him at //Rockend//. When he hears that two girls, Annie and Mary (Jilby? Kilby? a connection of Jane Darvall's family) are travelling on the boat to Brisbane, he changes his travel plans to accompany them. They arrived in Brisbane on 21 June. 'Tully and Mrs A.[Anthony] Darvall' met the boat to collect the girls; TLM-P was greeted by Tom and Florence M-P and Jack and Lizzie Jardine. \\ TLM-P kept this diary from 3 May to 7 November. The second day of the diary sees him leaving England where he had been visiting with his wife Nora and younger children. For some unexplained reason, but perhaps related to the land dealings he alludes to in his diary, they remained behind while he - relatively briefly - returned to Queensland. TLM-P left on the P & O steamer //Victoria// on 4 May, going via the Suez Canal. He arrived in Melbourne on 12 June, then takes an overnight train to Sydney, arriving at noon the next day. While in Sydney he stayed with his mother-in-law in her home //Rockend// at Gladesville; he refers to her formally as 'Mrs Barton'. He was to go to //Ryedale//, presumably to see Jane Darvall, but instead she visited him at //Rockend//. When he hears that two girls, Annie and Mary (Jilby? Kilby? a connection of Jane Darvall's family) are travelling on the boat to Brisbane, he changes his travel plans to accompany them. They arrived in Brisbane on 21 June. 'Tully and Mrs A.[Anthony] Darvall' met the boat to collect the girls; TLM-P was greeted by Tom and Florence M-P and Jack and Lizzie Jardine. \\
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 TLM-P then 'arranged to place Aberfoyle on the market in Mooreheads hands for the lump sum of £32,000. Grant says that he will not be able to dispose without muster; if not sold before I leave, will withdraw.'(25 June).Was this part of the reason for his short, expensive return to Australia?  On 27th he was at the Land Office where 'the application in T. de M. lease has been cancelled'. Apart from this business, while in Brisbane TLM-P catches up with family and friends, goes to the Opera, attends a reception at Government House and again goes to Government House after an invitation from the Governor's wife Lady [[wp>Lucinda_Musgrave]] to dinner to meet 'Mrs Fairfax' (30 June).\\ TLM-P then 'arranged to place Aberfoyle on the market in Mooreheads hands for the lump sum of £32,000. Grant says that he will not be able to dispose without muster; if not sold before I leave, will withdraw.'(25 June).Was this part of the reason for his short, expensive return to Australia?  On 27th he was at the Land Office where 'the application in T. de M. lease has been cancelled'. Apart from this business, while in Brisbane TLM-P catches up with family and friends, goes to the Opera, attends a reception at Government House and again goes to Government House after an invitation from the Governor's wife Lady [[wp>Lucinda_Musgrave]] to dinner to meet 'Mrs Fairfax' (30 June).\\
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-Nine days after he arrived in Brisbane, in the company of his eldest son Tom de M. M-P who is living at Maroon with his wife Florence and children, TLM-P takes the train to Ipswich, stays overnight then goes on another train (which ran three times a week)to Dugandan and on //Maroon//. He notes that he had no time to make the usual courtesy call to //Coochin//, the neighbouring property. When he arrives at //Maroon//, he comments on what he finds. Is it a random list or does it indicate his priorities? 'My mare Lucy ... looking well. Found Florence and children looking well. [Tom and Florence's daughter] Mabel all right after her escape from drowning in the river. [Youngest son by Matilda] Egerton also stouter.\\+Nine days after he arrived in Brisbane, in the company of his eldest son Tom de M. M-P who is living at Maroon with his wife Florence and children, TLM-P takes the train to Ipswich, stays overnight then goes on another train (which ran three times a week) to Dugandan and on //Maroon//. He notes that he had no time to make the usual courtesy call to //Coochin//, the neighbouring property. When he arrives at //Maroon//, he comments on what he finds. Is it a random list or does it indicate his priorities? 'My mare Lucy ... looking well. Found Florence and children looking well. [Tom and Florence's daughter] Mabel all right after her escape from drowning in the river. [Youngest son by Matilda] Egerton also stouter.'\\
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 At //Maroon//, an issue of concern to father and son is the take-up of land by small selectors, as shown by the following diary entries: At //Maroon//, an issue of concern to father and son is the take-up of land by small selectors, as shown by the following diary entries:
-Tuesday 3rd July: 'Tom wished me to ride about and see the stock and selectors, the scrub around Mt Maroon is almost if not all taken up.…'  Wed 4th July:'After lunch went with T[om] de M. up the creek past Harveys. The selection near Pococks had been on fire, flat burnt, but Pocock was putting it out, he did not know how it originated. We followed up the line of my pre-emptive No. 1 between Lightbody's and that to see if there was any country fit to be taken up. Tom did not think so, then by the outside of Lightbody's line till we went down a very steep gully....' Thursday 5th July: 'on way back called at the Selectors at the back of T de M selection, it looks like a good piece of land, there is a hut and a good extent of clearing (Jamieson). He seems a very decent man. Several have taken up selections at the back they say all the scrub is taken up. Geo Harvey has a selection a small piece fenced with a paling fence (very good) - cultivated - potatoes. It seems to me that he was invading, we tried to run the lime of my purchase next to Childs but did not manage well, will have to get a tracing and more time than we had ... There seems to be a great land hunger. Now the more selections taken up the better but I can hardly see how they will make it pay - the labour and expenses of clearing is great; they deserve to succeed.'\\+Tuesday 3rd July: 'Tom wished me to ride about and see the stock and selectors, the scrub around Mt Maroon is almost if not all taken up.…'  Wed 4th July:'After lunch went with T[om] de M. up the creek past Harveys. The selection near Pococks had been on fire, flat burnt, but Pocock was putting it out, he did not know how it originated. We followed up the line of my pre-emptive No. 1 between Lightbody's and that to see if there was any country fit to be taken up. Tom did not think so, then by the outside of Lightbody's line till we went down a very steep gully....' Thursday 5th July: 'on way back called at the Selectors at the back of T de M selection, it looks like a good piece of land, there is a hut and a good extent of clearing (Jamieson). He seems a very decent man. Several have taken up selections at the back they say all the scrub is taken up. Geo Harvey has a selection a small piece fenced with a paling fence (very good) - cultivated - potatoes. It seems to me that he was invading, we tried to run the line of my purchase next to Childs but did not manage well, will have to get a tracing and more time than we had ... There seems to be a great land hunger. Now the more selections taken up the better but I can hardly see how they will make it pay - the labour and expenses of clearing is great; they deserve to succeed.'\\
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-Three days later, on Friday 6 July, TLM-P is on the move again, This time accompanied by his daughter-in-law Florence and her eldest daughter Florette, heading back to Brisbane. He notes that 'there was not time to call at Coochin' but this time, 'Bell was waiting for us on roadside plain near the Station. Florence [M-P] went into Bells buggy leaving Florette and an [unnamed] maid with us. We made a good trip reaching McDonalds accommodation house at 11am, after having left Maroon 'a little after 8am.... Mrs Dutton (late Minister for Lands' mother) arrived by the train which was late with Dutton's 2nd daughter en route to Coochin.' They got to Ipswich about 5.30 and Florence and Florette visited 'Minnie' (TLM-P also routinely calls on Minnie at Ipswich). TLM-P did not go as he did not want to risk missing the Brisbane train, noting that mother and daughter 'returned just in time'. The train got into Brisbane at 10.30 - TLM-P took Florence and Florette to 'the Bellevue'[[wp>Bellevue_Hotel,_Brisbane]] while he stayed at the Queensland Club. \\+Three days later, on Friday 6 July, TLM-P is on the move again, this time accompanied by his daughter-in-law Florence and her eldest daughter Florette, heading back to Brisbane. He notes that 'there was not time to call at Coochin' but this time, 'Bell was waiting for us on roadside plain near the Station. Florence [M-P] went into Bells buggy leaving Florette and an [unnamed] maid with us. We made a good trip reaching McDonalds accommodation house at 11am, after having left Maroon 'a little after 8am.... Mrs Dutton (late Minister for Lands' mother) arrived by the train which was late with Dutton's 2nd daughter en route to Coochin.' They got to Ipswich about 5.30 and Florence and Florette visited 'Minnie' (TLM-P also routinely calls on Minnie at Ipswich). TLM-P did not go as he did not want to risk missing the Brisbane train, noting that mother and daughter 'returned just in time'. The train got into Brisbane at 10.30 - TLM-P took Florence and Florette to 'the Bellevue'[[wp>Bellevue_Hotel,_Brisbane]] while he stayed at the Queensland Club. \\
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 The next day (7 July) TLM-P saw the Commissioner of Lands who 'had all the papers etc referring to Malvern Hill, found that G.V. next to T de M's block, re improvements. The dam valued at £1400, the fencing mostly at £40 per mile, this was gazetted before the amended act was passed, and price of improvements inserted. If taken up must be stuck to. The only way would be to write to Minister requesting that improvements be re-valued, which if acceded to would cause the withdrawal and re-proclassing of the block which then would have to be taken up and revalued after. Having the Freehold at Maroon would not prevent taking up selection also its being in the Mitchell District where I am a Lessee would not interfere. District being taken as Commissioners District, being hundreds of miles from Aberfoyle think the risk too great as also delay. Wrote Tom and will consider what to do on return from Melbourne.' He was a fond father and grandfather, so on 10th July when 'Florence had servants etc to look about ...  [9 year old] Florette came with me to Parliament House'. Later in the day he bought 'some dolls etc., for Toms children, book for Florette and [her sister] Phyllis'. \\ The next day (7 July) TLM-P saw the Commissioner of Lands who 'had all the papers etc referring to Malvern Hill, found that G.V. next to T de M's block, re improvements. The dam valued at £1400, the fencing mostly at £40 per mile, this was gazetted before the amended act was passed, and price of improvements inserted. If taken up must be stuck to. The only way would be to write to Minister requesting that improvements be re-valued, which if acceded to would cause the withdrawal and re-proclassing of the block which then would have to be taken up and revalued after. Having the Freehold at Maroon would not prevent taking up selection also its being in the Mitchell District where I am a Lessee would not interfere. District being taken as Commissioners District, being hundreds of miles from Aberfoyle think the risk too great as also delay. Wrote Tom and will consider what to do on return from Melbourne.' He was a fond father and grandfather, so on 10th July when 'Florence had servants etc to look about ...  [9 year old] Florette came with me to Parliament House'. Later in the day he bought 'some dolls etc., for Toms children, book for Florette and [her sister] Phyllis'. \\
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 On 18 July, it is time to catch the train to Melbourne to take part in the official opening of its Centennial International Exhibition. The railway he travels on, connecting Brisbane to the southern states, was opened in 1888. TLM-P comments extensively on the properties and towns they see from the train, and appears as chatty as ever with fellow passengers. He stopped overnight at Tamworth and, on a chance meeting, had dinner with Frank Wyndham and his wife: he had last seen Frank, then a boy, about 40 years ago when TLM-P was acquiring colonial experience at //Dalwood//. His next stop was Sydney where he first went to 'Mrs Darvalls' then was driven (?by Anthony Darvall?} to his mother-in-law's home //Rockend// at Gladesville.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.68n)). \\ On 18 July, it is time to catch the train to Melbourne to take part in the official opening of its Centennial International Exhibition. The railway he travels on, connecting Brisbane to the southern states, was opened in 1888. TLM-P comments extensively on the properties and towns they see from the train, and appears as chatty as ever with fellow passengers. He stopped overnight at Tamworth and, on a chance meeting, had dinner with Frank Wyndham and his wife: he had last seen Frank, then a boy, about 40 years ago when TLM-P was acquiring colonial experience at //Dalwood//. His next stop was Sydney where he first went to 'Mrs Darvalls' then was driven (?by Anthony Darvall?} to his mother-in-law's home //Rockend// at Gladesville.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.68n)). \\
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-On his return, TLM-P again focused on the contentious issue of a road at Maroon. This time Captain Whish accompanied him to Maroon. The next day, 25 August, he, Tom and Captain Whish rode 'to top of range near Coochin gates where we met Mr Nowman chairman of Goodman Divisional Board. We took the track through No. 12 formerly T. de M. M-P selection, from the gate along the fence for some distance and then along the spur and so on tracing the way to where the road joins. Still continuing thro his and Grangers selection to near the rocks where there is a good crossing place, occuring across the corner of my No. 1 Pointrow selection ( which I do not like) then into No. 20 (Lightbodys) crossing the river twice and to original surveyed road near the No. 20 boundary. Marked the road to the crossing place No. 27, this I trust will finish the dispute and satisfy the people though I think the Pointrow road would have been the best for them. We also let the roads from selections down below station be according to the plan as a fair exchange for all other roads given up to us.' The next day (Sunday 26 August) Whish prepared the papers to send to the Goodman Board: ' M. M-P signed as Lessee consenting, self as proprietor'. \\+On his return, TLM-P again focused on the contentious issue of a road at Maroon. This time Captain Whish accompanied him to Maroon. The next day, 25 August, he, Tom and Captain Whish rode 'to top of range near Coochin gates where we met Mr Nowman chairman of Goodman Divisional Board. We took the track through No. 12 formerly T. de M. M-P selection, from the gate along the fence for some distance and then along the spur and so on tracing the way to where the road joins. Still continuing thro his and Grangers selection to near the rocks where there is a good crossing place, occurring across the corner of my No. 1 Pointrow selection ( which I do not like) then into No. 20 (Lightbodys) crossing the river twice and to original surveyed road near the No. 20 boundary. Marked the road to the crossing place No. 27, this I trust will finish the dispute and satisfy the people though I think the Pointrow road would have been the best for them. We also let the roads from selections down below station be according to the plan as a fair exchange for all other roads given up to us.' The next day (Sunday 26 August) Whish prepared the papers to send to the Goodman Board: ' M. M-P signed as Lessee consenting, self as proprietor'. \\
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 By Monday is is back in Brisbane, and the following day undertaking Legislative Council business. His following days were filled - he was checking taking over some mortgages on the advice of 'Cameron', had his photo taken, visiting family and friends, going to the theatre and dinners, and attended the funeral of Mrs Helen Thornton. On Friday 31st he attends to some transfers of mortgages held by Rosa and his late wife Matilda. With the latter, as Tom 'is his Mothers heir', Tom had to do it. Another entry that day notes that Lizzie had given birth to a boy, and that he had received a letter from his daughter Meta that Nora 'had reached Brighton safely'. Both wives were remembered: on 3 September he recorded that he had been married 42 years ago. He has a loving relationship with his daughters and on 17 September goes to Brisbane? 'hospital to see Nellie Hinderley, Lizzie's nurse at Aberfoyle who is now at hospital training and is going to Toowoomba to be with Lizzie for the next week.' \\ By Monday is is back in Brisbane, and the following day undertaking Legislative Council business. His following days were filled - he was checking taking over some mortgages on the advice of 'Cameron', had his photo taken, visiting family and friends, going to the theatre and dinners, and attended the funeral of Mrs Helen Thornton. On Friday 31st he attends to some transfers of mortgages held by Rosa and his late wife Matilda. With the latter, as Tom 'is his Mothers heir', Tom had to do it. Another entry that day notes that Lizzie had given birth to a boy, and that he had received a letter from his daughter Meta that Nora 'had reached Brighton safely'. Both wives were remembered: on 3 September he recorded that he had been married 42 years ago. He has a loving relationship with his daughters and on 17 September goes to Brisbane? 'hospital to see Nellie Hinderley, Lizzie's nurse at Aberfoyle who is now at hospital training and is going to Toowoomba to be with Lizzie for the next week.' \\
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-Early October was taken up by a political crisis when the Governor refused to pardon a prisoner (Kitts) on the Government's advice: 'The Government had had mis-understanding with H. Excellency and had sent in their resignation'(4 September). When a new government could not form, nothing could be done but 'to wire to London' for advice'(5 October) - Queensland is still very much a colony. The crisis deepened when the Governor refused to accept the Government's resignation (6 Oct). The deadlock was broken when the Governor received instructions from London to pardon Kitts.(8 Oct) TLM-P's good relations with both his wives' families is underlined by his frequent visits to both families, including the Barkers and Tullys. He went out of his way to say good-bye to Mrs [Jane?] Darvall 'before she left for Sydney'.(13 Sept). He subscribed the large sum of .£5 for a 'monument which friends are putting up for the late Henry Walsh'.(20 Sept). Walsh had been a highly divisive fellow member of the Legislative Council, described in the [[|Australian Dictionary of Biography]] as 'gauche, nasty, devious, highly egocentric and prone to strident appeals to English tradition' as well as being 'Accused of monomania about maltreatment of Aboriginals, with little help he continued an eloquent fight for the rights of Aboriginals, Kanakas and Chinese for the rest of his life: he was governed by genuine Christian charity and by a distaste for working-class prejudice.'\\+Early October was taken up by a political crisis when the Governor refused to pardon a prisoner (Kitts) on the Government's advice: 'The Government had had mis-understanding with H. Excellency and had sent in their resignation'(4 September). When a new government could not form, nothing could be done but 'to wire to London' for advice'(5 October) - Queensland is still very much a colony. The crisis deepened when the Governor refused to accept the Government's resignation (6 Oct). The deadlock was broken when the Governor received instructions from London to pardon Kitts.(8 Oct) TLM-P's good relations with both his wives' families is underlined by his frequent visits to both families, including the Barkers and Tullys. He went out of his way to say good-bye to Mrs [Jane?] Darvall 'before she left for Sydney'.(13 Sept). He subscribed the large sum of £5 for a 'monument which friends are putting up for the late Henry Walsh'.(20 Sept). Walsh had been a highly divisive fellow member of the Legislative Council, described in the [[|Australian Dictionary of Biography]] as 'gauche, nasty, devious, highly egocentric and prone to strident appeals to English tradition' as well as being 'Accused of monomania about maltreatment of Aboriginals, with little help he continued an eloquent fight for the rights of Aboriginals, Kanakas and Chinese for the rest of his life: he was governed by genuine Christian charity and by a distaste for working-class prejudice.'\\
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-In September and October TLM-P is busy meeting with family and friends, stiffing a frilled-neck lizard for Meta, parliamentary business and on 10 October attended the funeral of Queensland's Governor Sir Anthony Musgrave after his unexpected death. After the funeral he, with his son's Hervey's young child Hervey along with Lizzie, her baby, went to Maroon. The season had been dry but the grass was green and the garden had plenty of roses and flowers. The mandarin tree was nearly dead and the orange trees looked 'very seedy'(13 Oct). The children - Hervey, Rosie and Ethel 'are the greatest friends'(13 Oct). The following day he 'had a walk with all the children to try and pick up a fringe violet'. Back in Brisbane, he was concerned with his health: I had been very anxious for some days about what I thought a slight running and sysmptoms to a return of the fistula for which I had been operated some seven or eight years ago so next morning Tuesday [16th] I ... went to Dr Thompsons'. The Doctor reassured him: 'the old cut quite clean and pronounced no sign of fistula, ... Heart still not quite the thing but much better than when I was with him last before leaving for Europe. Felt much happier, he said a good deal of tenderness about intestine and asked if I had not had piles, but it would soon be well.' Was this an early sign of the stomach cancer which killed him three years later?\\+In September and October TLM-P is busy meeting with family and friends, stiffing a frilled-neck lizard for Meta, parliamentary business and on 10 October attended the funeral of Queensland's Governor Sir Anthony Musgrave after his unexpected death. After the funeral he, with his son's Hervey's young child Hervey along with Lizzie, her baby, went to //Maroon//. The season had been dry but the grass was green and the garden had plenty of roses and flowers. The mandarin tree was nearly dead and the orange trees looked 'very seedy'(13 Oct). The children - Hervey, Rosie and Ethel 'are the greatest friends'(13 Oct). The following day he 'had a walk with all the children to try and pick up a fringe violet'. Back in Brisbane, he was concerned with his health: I had been very anxious for some days about what I thought a slight running and sysmptoms to a return of the fistula for which I had been operated some seven or eight years ago so next morning Tuesday [16th] I ... went to Dr Thompsons'. The Doctor reassured him: 'the old cut quite clean and pronounced no sign of fistula, ... Heart still not quite the thing but much better than when I was with him last before leaving for Europe. Felt much happier, he said a good deal of tenderness about intestine and asked if I had not had piles, but it would soon be well.' Was this an early sign of the stomach cancer which killed him three years later?\\
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 His appointment as Presiding Chairman of the Legislative Council (see [[politics & the_post_office]]) then took up much of his time. This was a temporary position due to the death of the Governor.  He was disappointed that Parliament sat for longer than expected, meaning that he missed his desired boat to England: (7 November)'__much disappointed__, so will Nora and the children when I am not back at Xmas.'\\ His appointment as Presiding Chairman of the Legislative Council (see [[politics & the_post_office]]) then took up much of his time. This was a temporary position due to the death of the Governor.  He was disappointed that Parliament sat for longer than expected, meaning that he missed his desired boat to England: (7 November)'__much disappointed__, so will Nora and the children when I am not back at Xmas.'\\
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-TLM-P's diary ends shortly before he returns to England to be reunited with Nora and the children. It appears to have been an aide memoir when writing to them and for business matters, as well as a means of relieving his loneliness while away from his family.  It is valuable for its glimpses of travel and life in 1888 as well its insights into his character - particularly his insatiable curiosity along with the self-confidence to talk to all manner of people on their expertise. For more on this diary, click [[1888]] to read Judith Godden, 'Glimpses of 1888 - the diary of T.L. Murray Prior', //Australia 1888 Bulletin//, vol. 4, 1980, pp.60-65.\\+TLM-P's diary ends shortly before he returns to England to be reunited with Nora and the children. It appears to have been an aide memoir when writing to them and for business matters, as well as a means of relieving his loneliness while away from his family. It is valuable for its glimpses of travel and life in 1888 as well its insights into his character - particularly his insatiable curiosity along with the self-confidence to talk to all manner of people on their expertise. For more on this diary, click [[1888]] to read Judith Godden, 'Glimpses of 1888 - the diary of T.L. Murray Prior', //Australia 1888 Bulletin//, vol. 4, 1980, pp.60-65.\\
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  • Last modified: 2023/11/24 10:35
  • by judith