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thomas_prior_s_album [2025/01/04 10:17] judiththomas_prior_s_album [2025/02/28 10:02] (current) judith
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 {{:mix_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} {{:mix_plus_woman_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} These pages show a mix of styles and subjects, but on the second page, is it the same young woman again, this time going to bed rather than in it?\\ {{:mix_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} {{:mix_plus_woman_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} These pages show a mix of styles and subjects, but on the second page, is it the same young woman again, this time going to bed rather than in it?\\
 {{:again_pont_de_l_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} The bottom drawing is dated 25 Janvier[?] 1843.\\ {{:again_pont_de_l_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} The bottom drawing is dated 25 Janvier[?] 1843.\\
-{{:four_mix_styles_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} The bottom left drawing is labelled 'View on the Thames', dated Sept 22nd 1843 and signed 'W.P.' indicating that William had returned with his regiment to England. Peaceful and welcome sights (if not for that young woman in his previous sketches?) where 22-year-old William could expect to be safe. Yet he had less than six months to live. The bottom right drawing is exquisitely detailed and dated the next day and titled 'View from Barnsbury Park' in Islington, London. The following is an enhanced version of it - {{:enhanced_barnsburty_park_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?400|}} The wheel at the centre of the drawing is most likely an amusement park ride. It's not a ferris wheel as Charlie Shailor has pointed out that they were not invented until 1893 and much larger, but smaller amusement ride. Historian Hamish Graham ponts so that wheel is not close enough to a water course and also is too flimsy to be a water wheel.\\+{{:four_mix_styles_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?300|}} The bottom left drawing is labelled 'View on the Thames', dated Sept 22nd 1843 and signed 'W.P.' indicating that William had returned with his regiment to England. Peaceful and welcome sights (if not for that young woman in his previous sketches?) where 22-year-old William could expect to be safe. Yet he had less than six months to live.\\ 
 +The bottom right drawing is exquisitely detailed and dated the next day and titled 'View from Barnsbury Park' in Islington, London. The following is an enhanced version of it - {{:enhanced_barnsburty_park_scan_20241126_30_.jpg?400|}} \\ 
 +Historian Hamish Graham advises that the wheel at the centre of the drawing is most likely an amusement park ride. He points out that it is unlikely to be water wheel as it'not close enough to a water course and is too flimsy to bear the weight of water. It is similar in some ways but not a ferris wheel. As Charlie Shailor pointed out, ferris wheels were not invented until 1893 and were much larger.\\
 {{:scan_20241201.jpg?300|}}\\ {{:scan_20241201.jpg?300|}}\\
 {{:scan_20241201_2_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_3_.jpg?300|}} Was a theatre performance and/or romance on his mind?\\ {{:scan_20241201_2_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_3_.jpg?300|}} Was a theatre performance and/or romance on his mind?\\
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 {{:scan_20241201_10_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_11_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_12_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_13_.jpg?300|}}{{:scan_20241201_14_.jpg?300|}} These beautifully precise and colourful paintings which took huge patience are typical of botanical illustrations at which women of this era excelled. Are they by Eliza Skynner? Sadly 19th century concepts of feminine modesty meant that women frequently did not sign or initial their works.\\ {{:scan_20241201_10_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_11_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_12_.jpg?300|}} {{:scan_20241201_13_.jpg?300|}}{{:scan_20241201_14_.jpg?300|}} These beautifully precise and colourful paintings which took huge patience are typical of botanical illustrations at which women of this era excelled. Are they by Eliza Skynner? Sadly 19th century concepts of feminine modesty meant that women frequently did not sign or initial their works.\\
 {{:scan_20241201_15_.jpg?300|}}{{:scan_20241201_16_.jpg?300|}} Is this scene and another flower painting also Eliza Skynner's?\\  {{:scan_20241201_15_.jpg?300|}}{{:scan_20241201_16_.jpg?300|}} Is this scene and another flower painting also Eliza Skynner's?\\ 
 +\\ The family had two larger unsigned paintings of flowers - sadly somewhat marked - but in a similar style as the flower paintings in this album. See [[eliza_skynner|Eliza Prior, nee Skynner]]\\
 There is another blank page (indicating change in artist?), then this delicate scene drawn on cardboard {{:scan_20241201_17_.jpg?300|}} and signed T.S. Cooper and possibly a date: presumably Thomas Sidney Cooper, William's art teacher and talented landscape artist. \\ There is another blank page (indicating change in artist?), then this delicate scene drawn on cardboard {{:scan_20241201_17_.jpg?300|}} and signed T.S. Cooper and possibly a date: presumably Thomas Sidney Cooper, William's art teacher and talented landscape artist. \\
 Then there are pages of miscellaneous art. {{:scan_20241201_18_.jpg?300|}} A cartoon by BB Ashford and then an original sketch of man and boy fishing; {{:scan_20241201_19_cropped.jpg?200|}} A copy (with different colours) of a drawing by Marianne Postans in her //Cutch; or, random sketches, taken during a residence in one of the northern provinces of Western India; interspersed with legends and traditions//, 1839; and, on the last page of this section, a sketch possibly by William in Europe.{{:scan_20241201_20_.jpg?300|}}\\ Then there are pages of miscellaneous art. {{:scan_20241201_18_.jpg?300|}} A cartoon by BB Ashford and then an original sketch of man and boy fishing; {{:scan_20241201_19_cropped.jpg?200|}} A copy (with different colours) of a drawing by Marianne Postans in her //Cutch; or, random sketches, taken during a residence in one of the northern provinces of Western India; interspersed with legends and traditions//, 1839; and, on the last page of this section, a sketch possibly by William in Europe.{{:scan_20241201_20_.jpg?300|}}\\
  • thomas_prior_s_album.1735946257.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2025/01/04 10:17
  • by judith