The next photo is from Nora M-P's album and labelled 'Mrs Lightoller, 9 September 1879'. Maria Theresa (Minnie) Haly (1854-1911) married Dr Harry Martin Lightoller that year.((Queensland marriage registration 1879, number C517.)) Minnie Haly was Matilda M-P's niece and Thomas B. M-P's aunt as well as future mother-in-law. {{:mrs_lightoller_1879.jpg?200|}}((Provenance: J. Godden)) \\ | The next photo is from Nora M-P's album and labelled 'Mrs Lightoller, 9 September 1879'. Maria Theresa (Minnie) Haly (1854-1911) married Dr Harry Martin Lightoller that year.((Queensland marriage registration 1879, number C517.)) Minnie Haly was Matilda M-P's niece and Thomas B. M-P's aunt as well as future mother-in-law. {{:mrs_lightoller_1879.jpg?200|}}((Provenance: J. Godden)) \\ |
Dr Henry Lightoller: Minnie's husband, Dickie's father, and eminent Brisbane doctor whose rigid views on denying women chloroform for pain relief in childbirth appalled Nora, especially as it applied to his own wife who had a deformed pelvis. Dr Lightoller's father had a large cotton factory in Lancashire. Henry and Minnie Lightoller were "hosts of many social functions at their pretty residence //Highlands//, in Albion", Brisbane.((Trevor Whitehead, "Nos 27-45 Grandview Street, Pymble", //The Historian//, Ku-ring-gai Historical Society, 39:1, October 2010, p.167)) {{:dr_henry_martin_lightoller_enhanced.jpeg?200|}((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P))\\ As outlined on the //Memories of Fassifern Facebook Page// (27 April 2022) Dr Lightoller was also a talented artist who exhibited his paintings (mainly watercolours) with the Queensland Art Society. The following photo shows him teaching a young woman, possibly (from the profile likeness), one of his daughters.{{:279385117_3157829464533328_7815669218808038747_n.jpg?200|}}((State Library of Queensland)) | Dr Henry Lightoller was an eminent Brisbane doctor whose rigid views on denying women chloroform for pain relief in childbirth appalled Nora, especially as it applied to his own wife who had a deformed pelvis. Dr Lightoller's father had a large cotton factory in Lancashire. Henry and Minnie Lightoller were "hosts of many social functions at their pretty residence //Highlands//, in Albion", Brisbane.((Trevor Whitehead, "Nos 27-45 Grandview Street, Pymble", //The Historian//, Ku-ring-gai Historical Society, 39:1, October 2010, p.167)) {{:dr_henry_martin_lightoller_enhanced.jpeg?200|}((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P))\\ As outlined on the //Memories of Fassifern Facebook Page// (27 April 2022) Dr Lightoller was also a talented artist who exhibited his paintings (mainly watercolours) with the Queensland Art Society. The following photo shows him teaching a young woman, possibly (from the profile likeness), one of his daughters.{{:279385117_3157829464533328_7815669218808038747_n.jpg?200|}}((State Library of Queensland)) |