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lightoller [2024/09/28 11:39] judithlightoller [2025/02/28 18:19] (current) judith
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 The next photo is from Nora M-P's album and labelled 'Mrs Lightoller, 9 September 1879'. Maria Theresa (Minnie) Haly (1854-1911) married Dr Harry Martin Lightoller that year.((Queensland marriage registration 1879, number C517.)) Minnie Haly was Matilda M-P's niece and Thomas B. M-P's aunt as well as future mother-in-law. {{:mrs_lightoller_1879.jpg?200|}}((Provenance: J. Godden)) \\ The next photo is from Nora M-P's album and labelled 'Mrs Lightoller, 9 September 1879'. Maria Theresa (Minnie) Haly (1854-1911) married Dr Harry Martin Lightoller that year.((Queensland marriage registration 1879, number C517.)) Minnie Haly was Matilda M-P's niece and Thomas B. M-P's aunt as well as future mother-in-law. {{:mrs_lightoller_1879.jpg?200|}}((Provenance: J. Godden)) \\
 \\ \\
- +Dr Henry Lightoller was an eminent Brisbane doctor whose rigid views on denying women chloroform for pain relief in childbirth appalled Noraespecially as it applied to his own wife who had a deformed pelvis. Dr Lightoller's father had a large cotton factory in Lancashire. Henry and Minnie Lightoller were "hosts of many social functions at their pretty residence //Highlands//, in Albion", Brisbane.((Trevor Whitehead, "Nos 27-45 Grandview Street, Pymble", //The Historian//, Ku-ring-gai Historical Society, 39:1, October 2010, p.167))  {{:dr_henry_martin_lightoller_enhanced.jpeg?200|}((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P))\\ As outlined on the //Memories of Fassifern Facebook Page// (27 April 2022) Dr Lightoller was also a talented artist who exhibited his paintings (mainly watercolours) with the Queensland Art Society. The following photo shows him teaching a young woman, possibly (from the profile likeness), one of his daughters.{{:279385117_3157829464533328_7815669218808038747_n.jpg?200|}}((State Library of Queensland))
-Dr Henry Lightoller: Minnie's husbandDickie's fatherand eminent Brisbane doctor.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)) {{:dr_henry_martin_lightoller_enhanced.jpeg?200|}}\\ As outlined on the //Memories of Fassifern Facebook Page// (27 April 2022) Dr Lightoller was also a talented artist who exhibited his paintings (mainly watercolours) with the Queensland Art Society. The following photo shows him teaching a young woman, possibly (from the profile likeness), one of his daughters.{{:279385117_3157829464533328_7815669218808038747_n.jpg?200|}}((Oxley SL))+
 \\ \\
-Henry and Minnie Lightoller had two daughters. The next photo is of Minnie Lightoller and her younger daughter, Minnie Rose, in the 1890s.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)) {{:lightoller.jpeg?300|}}\\+Henry and Minnie Lightoller's children were:\\ 
 +1. Charles Haly b.6/9/1880 - d.23/10/1881;\\ 
 +2. George Henry Standish (known as Standish) b. 11/8/1881;\\ 
 +3. Cyril Haly b.27/7/1882- d.18/5/1885; \\ 
 +4. William Claude (known as Claude) b.9/9/1884 - d. 1948;\\ 
 +5. Minnie Rose b.7/5/1886;\\ 
 +6. Lizzie Kate (known as Dickie) b. 29/10/1887.\\ 
 +As seen, two sons died in infancyStandish Lightoller also became a doctor - he married Isabella, the only daughter of Prof. (later Sir) and Mrs Mungo MacCallum in 1912; they subsequently lived in Ipswich.((//National Advocate//, 4 October 1912, p.1)) His brother Claude was a solicitor who first worked in the firm of Hawthorn & Lightoller of Brisbane, but by 1927 had moved to Sydney. He married widow Barbara Palmer in 1924.((Trevor Whitehead, "Nos 27-45 Grandview Street, Pymble", //The Historian//, Ku-ring-gai Historical Society, 39:1, October 2010, p.167))\\ 
 +The next photo is of Minnie Lightoller and her daughter, Minnie Rose, in the 1890s.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)) {{:lightoller.jpeg?300|}} 
 'Dickie' Lightoller.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)){{:dickie_lightoller_became_gar_in_old_age_enhance.jpeg?200|}} The two girls in the next photo are probably the sisters, Dickie and Minnie Lightoller.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)) {{:unidentified6_enhanced.jpeg?200|}}\\ 'Dickie' Lightoller.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)){{:dickie_lightoller_became_gar_in_old_age_enhance.jpeg?200|}} The two girls in the next photo are probably the sisters, Dickie and Minnie Lightoller.((Provenance: T.A. & M.T. M-P)) {{:unidentified6_enhanced.jpeg?200|}}\\
 \\ \\
-This unidentified photo is perhaps Dickie M-P or Minnie Palmer (nee Lightoller) or their mother. {{:unidentified_5_enh.jpeg?300|}}  This next photo too looks like one of the Lightoller women. {{:unidentified_8_enh.jpeg?500|}} Can you help to identify them? +This unidentified photo is perhaps Dickie M-P or Minnie Palmer (nee Lightoller). {{:unidentified_5_enh.jpeg?300|}}  This next photo too maybe one of the Lightoller women. {{:unidentified_8_enh.jpeg?500|}} Can you help to identify them? 
  • lightoller.1727487575.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/09/28 11:39
  • by judith