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eliza_skynner [2023/08/18 17:00] juditheliza_skynner [2025/02/28 10:29] (current) – [Eliza Prior, nee Skynner] judith
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 Eliza Prior died on 18 November 1863.(([[https://www.freebmd.org.uk/cgi/information.pl?r=36256308:3331&d=bmd_1508773079|Death registration at Portsea of Eliza Prior, December 1863; ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.]] TLM-P wrote in his Family Bible that Eliza died on the 17th; in his father’s prayer book and 1863 diary, on the 18th. In ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry, he mistakenly has the vicar's name as Wheatley. According to the wikipedia entry on Cookham, Whately was a leading promoter of the principles of the new Poor Law.))  Jemima wrote immediately to TLM-P, saying that his mother had died from heart disease, with her husband by her side. He would, Jemima wrote to TLM-P. 'feel her loss deeply' after being married so long.((M-P family papers, NLA, Ms 7801, Box 4, folder 20, letter 18 November 1863)) That letter, in an envelope with a black border, took over two months to reach TLM-P.((TLM-P diary, 28 January 1864)) She had been ill for some time, and prepared for death. TLM-P wrote, that 'if ever there was faith and hope on earth it was in her, may we follow her steps.'((TLM-P diary, 28 January 1864))\\ Eliza Prior died on 18 November 1863.(([[https://www.freebmd.org.uk/cgi/information.pl?r=36256308:3331&d=bmd_1508773079|Death registration at Portsea of Eliza Prior, December 1863; ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.]] TLM-P wrote in his Family Bible that Eliza died on the 17th; in his father’s prayer book and 1863 diary, on the 18th. In ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry, he mistakenly has the vicar's name as Wheatley. According to the wikipedia entry on Cookham, Whately was a leading promoter of the principles of the new Poor Law.))  Jemima wrote immediately to TLM-P, saying that his mother had died from heart disease, with her husband by her side. He would, Jemima wrote to TLM-P. 'feel her loss deeply' after being married so long.((M-P family papers, NLA, Ms 7801, Box 4, folder 20, letter 18 November 1863)) That letter, in an envelope with a black border, took over two months to reach TLM-P.((TLM-P diary, 28 January 1864)) She had been ill for some time, and prepared for death. TLM-P wrote, that 'if ever there was faith and hope on earth it was in her, may we follow her steps.'((TLM-P diary, 28 January 1864))\\
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-Eliza's parents were William Augustus((TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846; Robert M-P, //The Blood Royal of the Murray-Priors//, p.13; Thomas Bertram M-P, //Some Australasian Families Descended from Royalty//, ms, n.d., p.5; ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda to the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) and Mary Skynner nee Orlebar of {{https://moorhall.cim.co.uk/Moor Hall}}, [[wp>Cookham|Cookham]], Berkshire, England. The Orlebar's lived at [[http://www.hinwickhouse.com/|Hinwick House]], Bedfordshire (now a luxurious hotel.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda to the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry; TLM-P's Family Bible; John Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions Or High Official Rank, But Uninvested with Heritable Honours//, 1834; Thomas Bertram M-P, //Some Australasian Families Descended from Royalty//, ms, n.d., p.5.))\\+Eliza's parents were William Augustus((TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846; Robert M-P, //The Blood Royal of the Murray-Priors//, p.13; Thomas Bertram M-P, //Some Australasian Families Descended from Royalty//, ms, n.d., p.5; ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda to the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) and Mary Skynner nee Orlebar of {{https://moorhall.cim.co.uk/Moor Hall}}, [[wp>Cookham|Cookham]], Berkshire, England. The Orlebar's lived at [[http://www.hinwickhouse.com/|Hinwick House]], Bedfordshire (now a luxurious hotel.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda to the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry; TLM-P's Family Bible; John Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland Enjoying Territorial Possessions Or High Official Rank, But Uninvested with Heritable Honours//, 1834; Thomas Bertram M-P, //Some Australasian Families Descended from Royalty//, ms, n.d., p.5.)) In his 1882 diary, TLM-P recalls when on a trip between Uxbridge (now in west London) and Amersham, it was near where 'Uncle Augustus Skynner was taking us to [Birds?]'(19 August) \\
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-TLM-P visited the Orlebar family at Hinwick House in 1882 at a sad time: the current Orlebar (a little man 'ferretty with red hair') had been doing what 'he could to retrieve what his father had done but heavy interest on mortgages, bad seasons one after another, rents unpaid etc., so with all their striving has failed and now they have to shut up the House and leave.' Though they had two 'steady' sons in professions, Mr Orlebar had only an agency which would bring in £100 p.a. income, a significant came-down for the family. TLM-P thought that it would need an income of £20,000 p.a. to maintain Hinwick House. Among the portraits owned by the Orelars was one of Eliza's Orlebar grandfather, 'nothing like the miniature of my Grandfather, W.A. Skynner who married his daughter Mary O[rlebar]'. He also mentioned that nearby Pollington Church contained the graves of his maternal ancestors.((TLM-P, Diary, 1 June 1882)) TLM-P was sufficiently impressed with this past grandeur that, two years later, he named his youngest son Julius Orlebar M-P.\\+TLM-P visited the Orlebar family at Hinwick House in May-June 1882 at a sad time: the current Orlebar (a little man 'ferretty with red hair') had been doing what 'he could to retrieve what his father had done but heavy interest on mortgages, bad seasons one after another, rents unpaid etc., so with all their striving has failed and now they have to shut up the House and leave.' Though they had two 'steady' sons in professions, Mr Orlebar had only an agency which would bring in £100 p.a. income, a significant came-down for the family. TLM-P thought that it would need an income of £20,000 p.a. to maintain Hinwick House. Among the portraits owned by the Orelars was one of Eliza's Orlebar grandfather, 'nothing like the miniature of my Grandfather, W.A. Skynner who married his daughter Mary O[rlebar]'. He also mentioned that nearby Pollington Church contained the graves of his maternal ancestors.((TLM-P, Diary, 1 June 1882)) TLM-P was sufficiently impressed with this past grandeur that, two years later, he named his youngest son Julius Orlebar M-P.\\
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 {{:eliza_s_1816.jpg?250|}} This sketch of 'Miss E. Skynner, Moor Hall Berks 1816' is by an unknown artist.((Provenance: J. Godden.))\\ {{:eliza_s_1816.jpg?250|}} This sketch of 'Miss E. Skynner, Moor Hall Berks 1816' is by an unknown artist.((Provenance: J. Godden.))\\
 {{:e_prior.jpg?250|}} In the bottom right hand corner, is the faint name, E. Prior.\\ {{:e_prior.jpg?250|}} In the bottom right hand corner, is the faint name, E. Prior.\\
 {{:dscn3633_rotated.jpg?direct&250|}} This painting is unidentified but, given the similarity with the unfinished sketch of a girl (shown ?) is probably by William M-P. Given her age and dress, it is possibly Eliza Prior. It is likely to be the painting mentioned in TLM-P's will - of his mother by W.A.M. Prior.((Provenance: Geoffrey M-P to T.A. M-P.))\\ {{:dscn3633_rotated.jpg?direct&250|}} This painting is unidentified but, given the similarity with the unfinished sketch of a girl (shown ?) is probably by William M-P. Given her age and dress, it is possibly Eliza Prior. It is likely to be the painting mentioned in TLM-P's will - of his mother by W.A.M. Prior.((Provenance: Geoffrey M-P to T.A. M-P.))\\
 +For more of Eliza Prior's art, see [[thomas_prior_s_album|Thomas Prior's album]]. You will see that this album begins with her son William's art but then (after his death?) other art have been added, including some by Eliza Skynner/Prior. There are also a number of beautiful paintings of flowers, sadly unsigned by the context suggests they are by Eliza. The family had two loose paintings of flowers in a similar style but a bit too large to fit in the album. They are on thick, discoloured paper with dirt marks on them, but still beautiful - {{:20250228_093921.jpg?200|}} {{:20250228_093944.jpg?200|}}((providence J. Godden from ES M-P))
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  • Last modified: 2023/08/18 17:00
  • by judith