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eliza_skynner [2025/02/28 09:54] – [Eliza Prior, nee Skynner] juditheliza_skynner [2025/02/28 10:29] (current) – [Eliza Prior, nee Skynner] judith
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 {{:dscn3633_rotated.jpg?direct&250|}} This painting is unidentified but, given the similarity with the unfinished sketch of a girl (shown ?) is probably by William M-P. Given her age and dress, it is possibly Eliza Prior. It is likely to be the painting mentioned in TLM-P's will - of his mother by W.A.M. Prior.((Provenance: Geoffrey M-P to T.A. M-P.))\\ {{:dscn3633_rotated.jpg?direct&250|}} This painting is unidentified but, given the similarity with the unfinished sketch of a girl (shown ?) is probably by William M-P. Given her age and dress, it is possibly Eliza Prior. It is likely to be the painting mentioned in TLM-P's will - of his mother by W.A.M. Prior.((Provenance: Geoffrey M-P to T.A. M-P.))\\
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-For more of Eliza Prior's art, see [[thomas_prior_s_album|Thomas Prior's album]]. +For more of Eliza Prior's art, see [[thomas_prior_s_album|Thomas Prior's album]]. You will see that this album begins with her son William's art but then (after his death?) other art have been added, including some by Eliza Skynner/Prior. There are also a number of beautiful paintings of flowers, sadly unsigned by the context suggests they are by Eliza. The family had two loose paintings of flowers in a similar style but a bit too large to fit in the album. They are on thick, discoloured paper with dirt marks on them, but still beautiful - {{:20250228_093921.jpg?200|}} {{:20250228_093944.jpg?200|}}((providence J. Godden from ES M-P))
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 ==== Religious faith ==== ==== Religious faith ====
  • eliza_skynner.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/02/28 10:29
  • by judith