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william_rosa_morres_lizzie_hervey_redmond_weeta_hugh_lodge_matilda_egerton_m-p [2021/07/04 18:10] judithwilliam_rosa_morres_lizzie_hervey_redmond_weeta_hugh_lodge_matilda_egerton_m-p [2022/04/28 10:33] judith
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 {{:baby_william_grave.jpg?400|}} William's solitary grave in Bromelton's garden.((Thanks to Dr John Thearle who took this photo on 19 October 1997 and gave it to J. Godden.))\\ {{:baby_william_grave.jpg?400|}} William's solitary grave in Bromelton's garden.((Thanks to Dr John Thearle who took this photo on 19 October 1997 and gave it to J. Godden.))\\
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- 3. **Rosa** Caroline (27 March 1851((Qld Births registration no. BBP473; her birth was not registered until her sister was born in 1854))- 2 April 1935). She was born at Bromelton station and, like her elder brother, baptised by the Rev. Benjamin Glennie.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Her family called her 'Rosie'. Like her sister Lizzie, she had a deeply loving relationship with her ailing mother. While the boys went to school, the girls were educated at home. When she was 12 years old, Rosie wrote to her grandmother mentioning a governess, Miss Medley, who came to them on a daily basis.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p. 80 citing letter of 11 April 1863)){{:rosie_m-p.jpg?200|}}\\+ 3. **Rosa** Caroline (27 March 1851((Qld Births registration no. BBP473; her birth was not registered until her sister was born in 1854))- 2 April 1935). She was born at Bromelton station and, like her elder brother, baptised by the Rev. Benjamin Glennie.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Her family called her 'Rosie'. Like her sister Lizzie, she had a deeply loving relationship with her ailing mother. While the boys went to school, the girls were educated at home. When she was 12 years old, Rosie wrote to her grandmother mentioning a governess, Miss Medley, who came to them on a daily basis.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p. 80 citing letter of 11 April 1863))\\ 
 +{{:rosie_m-p.jpg?200|}} Rosa Praed {{:campbell_praed_ca_1867.jpg?150|}} Campbell Praed c. 1867, photo at State Library of Queensland:\\
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-Rosa made what seemed the ideal marriage for an Anglophile colonial writer when she married Arthur Campbell Bulkley Mackworth Praed on 29 October 1872. As she latter wrote, her family and friends 'all wanted to be English', and Praed seemed a particularly dashing member of the English gentry, with a lifestyle bankrolled by his father's interests in a bank and brewery in London.\\ {{:campbell_praed_ca_1867.jpg?150|}} Campbell Praed c. 1867, photo at State Library of Queensland:\\ +Rosa made what seemed the ideal marriage for an Anglophile colonial writer when she married Arthur Campbell Bulkley Mackworth Praed on 29 October 1872. As she later wrote, her family and friends 'all wanted to be English', and Praed seemed a particularly dashing member of the English gentry, with a lifestyle bankrolled by his father's interests in a bank and brewery in London. Perhaps the clinching detail to the aspiring writer was that his uncle was a well-known poet [[wp>Winthrop_Mackworth_Praed]]. Other current and future members of the family were also artistic - for example, there is a well-executed portrait of Rosa in the SLNSW attributed to an Emily Praed.((SLNSW, ML1039)) To the young Rosa, her suitor embodied cultured English gentry. Sadly, neither of the couple lived up to the other's ideal. Divorce then was very difficult, expensive, condemned by churches and entailed social disgrace, so the unhappy couple did not divorce. They separated in 1899. Today it is probable that Rosa would identify as a  lesbian; as it was, she wrote to her friend and co-author Justin McCarthy that (by implication, heterosexual) sex was 'a side of life that has always repelled me.'((Patricia Clarke, 'Rosa Praed's Irish Connections', //The Australian Journal of Irish Studies//, vol. 1, 2001, p.120 citing Rosa Praed to Justin McCarthy, typescript extracts, Praed papers 8/13/1.)) It did not help that Campbell Praed had a reputation for unfaithfulness. The heroine who was reared in the Victorian ideal of female innocent/ignorance, and then married someone unsuitable, became a common theme in Rosa's books. That theme resonated with many women's experiences as well as Rosa's.\\
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-Perhaps the clinching detail to the aspiring writer was that his uncle was a well-known poet [[wp>Winthrop_Mackworth_Praed]]. Other current and future members of the family were also artistic - for example, there is a well-executed portrait of Rosa in the SLNSW attributed to an Emily Praed.((SLNSW, ML1039)) To the young Rosa, her suitor embodied cultured English gentry. Sadly, neither of the couple lived up to the other's ideal. Divorce then was very difficult, expensive, condemned by churches and entailed social disgrace, so the unhappy couple did not divorce. They separated in 1899. Today it is probable that Rosa would identify as a  lesbian; as it was, she wrote to her friend and co-author Justin McCarthy that (by implication, heterosexual) sex was 'a side of life that has always repelled me.'((Patricia Clarke, 'Rosa Praed's Irish Connections', //The Australian Journal of Irish Studies//, vol. 1, 2001, p.120 citing Rosa Praed to Justin McCarthy, typescript extracts, Praed papers 8/13/1.)) It did not help that Campbell Praed had a reputation for unfaithfulness. The heroine who was reared in the Victorian ideal of female innocent/ignorance, and then married someone unsuitable, became a common theme in Rosa's books. That theme resonated with many women's experiences as well as Rosa's.\\+
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 The marriage did not start well. Their first home was the romantically named 'Monte Christo', a 500 square mile property on Port Curtis Island near [[wp>Gladstone,_Queensland|Gladstone]]. The property was a joint venture by Campbell Praed and a former veterinary surgeon, Dr Samuel Joseph Wills.((__ BROKEN-LINK:https://www.secretbrisbane.com.au/home/2017/7/13/suburban-dentist-a-salt-works-and-one-of-queenslands-most-important-female-novelists))LINK-BROKEN__ Rosa's romantic dreams were dashed by the reality of scrubby land and hordes of mosquitoes.((Roderick, //In Mortal Bondage//, p.65.)) Four years later, they left the island with Praed's hopes of making a colonial fortune ended.((Roderick, //In Mortal Bondage//, pp.102-03, 115.))\\ The marriage did not start well. Their first home was the romantically named 'Monte Christo', a 500 square mile property on Port Curtis Island near [[wp>Gladstone,_Queensland|Gladstone]]. The property was a joint venture by Campbell Praed and a former veterinary surgeon, Dr Samuel Joseph Wills.((__ BROKEN-LINK:https://www.secretbrisbane.com.au/home/2017/7/13/suburban-dentist-a-salt-works-and-one-of-queenslands-most-important-female-novelists))LINK-BROKEN__ Rosa's romantic dreams were dashed by the reality of scrubby land and hordes of mosquitoes.((Roderick, //In Mortal Bondage//, p.65.)) Four years later, they left the island with Praed's hopes of making a colonial fortune ended.((Roderick, //In Mortal Bondage//, pp.102-03, 115.))\\
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 For an overview of Rosa's life see her entry in either {{http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/praed-rosa-caroline-8095|The Australian Dictionary of Biography}} or Wikipedia [[wp>Rosa_Campbell_Praed|Rosa Praed]] or the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. For a definitive biography, see Patricia Clarke, //Rosa! Rosa! A Life of Rosa Praed, novelist and spiritualist//, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1999. There are many articles about Rosa Praed and her writing: a search in the database AustLit yields 393 hits.((https://www.austlit.edu.au/austlit/search/page?query=Rosa+Praed&scope=all&facetSampleSize=0&facetValuesSize=0&blendMax=y&count=50)) Most anthologies of 19th and early 20th century Australian writers include her, especially those on female authors. She was extensively reported in the newspapers of her day; when she died leading Australian newspapers acknowledged her as, for example, 'The first Australian-born novelist of any importance.'((//SMH//, 20 November 1936)) and 'the first Australian-born novelist worthy of consideration in Australian literature'.((//The Courier-Mail//, 27 April 1935.)) More recently her writings have been explored for the impact of indigenous dispossession. ((McKay, Belinda. 'A Lovely Land ... by Shadows Dark Untainted'?: Whiteness and Early Queensland Women's Writing [online]. In: Moreton-Robinson, Aileen (Editor). Whitening Race: Essays in Social and Cultural Criticism. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2004: 148-163. Availability: <https://search-informit-com-au.ezproxy.sl.nsw.gov.au/documentSummary;dn=413912230742820;res=IELIND> ISBN: 0855754656; Jennifer Rutherford, 'Melancholy Secrets: Rosa Praed’s Encrypted Father', Double Dialogues, no. 8, summer 2007-06. Both accessed September 2018; Patrica Grimshaw and Julie Evans, 'Colonial women on intercultural frontiers: Rosa Campbell Praed, Mary Bundock and Katie Langloh Parker', //Australian Historical Studies//, 27:106, April 1996.pp.79-96.)) \\ For an overview of Rosa's life see her entry in either {{http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/praed-rosa-caroline-8095|The Australian Dictionary of Biography}} or Wikipedia [[wp>Rosa_Campbell_Praed|Rosa Praed]] or the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. For a definitive biography, see Patricia Clarke, //Rosa! Rosa! A Life of Rosa Praed, novelist and spiritualist//, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1999. There are many articles about Rosa Praed and her writing: a search in the database AustLit yields 393 hits.((https://www.austlit.edu.au/austlit/search/page?query=Rosa+Praed&scope=all&facetSampleSize=0&facetValuesSize=0&blendMax=y&count=50)) Most anthologies of 19th and early 20th century Australian writers include her, especially those on female authors. She was extensively reported in the newspapers of her day; when she died leading Australian newspapers acknowledged her as, for example, 'The first Australian-born novelist of any importance.'((//SMH//, 20 November 1936)) and 'the first Australian-born novelist worthy of consideration in Australian literature'.((//The Courier-Mail//, 27 April 1935.)) More recently her writings have been explored for the impact of indigenous dispossession. ((McKay, Belinda. 'A Lovely Land ... by Shadows Dark Untainted'?: Whiteness and Early Queensland Women's Writing [online]. In: Moreton-Robinson, Aileen (Editor). Whitening Race: Essays in Social and Cultural Criticism. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2004: 148-163. Availability: <https://search-informit-com-au.ezproxy.sl.nsw.gov.au/documentSummary;dn=413912230742820;res=IELIND> ISBN: 0855754656; Jennifer Rutherford, 'Melancholy Secrets: Rosa Praed’s Encrypted Father', Double Dialogues, no. 8, summer 2007-06. Both accessed September 2018; Patrica Grimshaw and Julie Evans, 'Colonial women on intercultural frontiers: Rosa Campbell Praed, Mary Bundock and Katie Langloh Parker', //Australian Historical Studies//, 27:106, April 1996.pp.79-96.)) \\
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-**For more on Rosa and Campbell Praed and their children, click on [[Rosa Praed]].**\\+**For more on Rosa and Campbell Praed, click on [[Rosa Praed]].** For their children, see the next generation on the sidebar.\\
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 Morres was apparently a surveyor. Darbyshire notes that he was at a Survey Camp Eton Vale in February 1876, and on 30 March 1878 he qualified as a licensed surveyor - 'exhibited evidence of competence as surveyor and licensed to survey under land Act 1876 and real Property Act 1861.In march 1881, he was at Jundah to lay out a township when locals were hoping for an extension of the telegraph from Isisford.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, pp.82-83.)) Gambling debts apparently meant that he did not continue with a career as a surveyor.\\ Morres was apparently a surveyor. Darbyshire notes that he was at a Survey Camp Eton Vale in February 1876, and on 30 March 1878 he qualified as a licensed surveyor - 'exhibited evidence of competence as surveyor and licensed to survey under land Act 1876 and real Property Act 1861.In march 1881, he was at Jundah to lay out a township when locals were hoping for an extension of the telegraph from Isisford.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, pp.82-83.)) Gambling debts apparently meant that he did not continue with a career as a surveyor.\\
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-In April 1880, TLM-P registered a mortgage on Morres' property at Cleveland, Brisbane. ((Andrew Darbyshire, //A Fair Slice of St Lucia//, p.122.)) In the late 1880s/early 1890s, like his brother Hugh, Morres was living on Aberfoyle Station, jointly owned by his father and his brother-in-law, John Jardine.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) His step-mother considered that one 'cannot help loving him - his heart & impulses are so good', but that 'Morres, poor handsome, weak fellow, is a constantly recurring disappointment & heartbreak.... [he causes his father] bitter trouble'.((Nora to Rosa, 14 March 1883 and 3 December 1883)) Nora's letters to Rosa make numerous references to Morres' debts incurred through gambling: in 1880, he was contacted to do fencing for two years to help pay off a £957 debt (around $154,098 in 2019 values).((Nora to Rosa, 29 August 1880))\\ +In April 1880, TLM-P registered a mortgage on Morres' property at Cleveland, Brisbane.((Andrew Darbyshire, //A Fair Slice of St Lucia//, p.122.)) In the late 1880s/early 1890s, like his brother Hugh, Morres was living on Aberfoyle Station, jointly owned by his father and his brother-in-law, John Jardine.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) His step-mother considered that one 'cannot help loving him - his heart & impulses are so good', but that 'Morres, poor handsome, weak fellow, is a constantly recurring disappointment & heartbreak.... [he causes his father] bitter trouble'.((Nora to Rosa, 14 March 1883 and 3 December 1883)) Nora's letters to Rosa make numerous references to Morres' debts incurred through gambling: in 1880, he was contacted to do fencing for two years to help pay off a £957 debt (around $154,098 in 2019 values).((Nora to Rosa, 29 August 1880))\\ 
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 Morres died, lonely and depressed, when he was 45 years old. As historian Janet McCalman outlines, it was not an unusual fate for people in an emigrant society.((Janet McCalman, 'To Die without Friends: Solitaries, Drifters and Failures in a New World Society', //Body and Mind: Historical Essays in Honour of F. B. Smith//, eds. G. Davison et al, Melbourne University Press, 2009, pp.173-194. <https://search-informit-com-au.ezproxy1.library.usyd.edu.au/documentSummary;dn=212683401745250;res=IELHSS> ISBN: 9780522857177. [cited 10 Aug 18].))   When he died, Morres had been living for at least two years at Bulliwallah Station in the Clermont District, some 920 km northwest of Brisbane. He wrote a sadly revealing letter to his step-sister Dorothy a month before he died. **For more click on [[Letter]].**\\ Morres died, lonely and depressed, when he was 45 years old. As historian Janet McCalman outlines, it was not an unusual fate for people in an emigrant society.((Janet McCalman, 'To Die without Friends: Solitaries, Drifters and Failures in a New World Society', //Body and Mind: Historical Essays in Honour of F. B. Smith//, eds. G. Davison et al, Melbourne University Press, 2009, pp.173-194. <https://search-informit-com-au.ezproxy1.library.usyd.edu.au/documentSummary;dn=212683401745250;res=IELHSS> ISBN: 9780522857177. [cited 10 Aug 18].))   When he died, Morres had been living for at least two years at Bulliwallah Station in the Clermont District, some 920 km northwest of Brisbane. He wrote a sadly revealing letter to his step-sister Dorothy a month before he died. **For more click on [[Letter]].**\\
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 Jack Jardine had taken charge of Vallack Point Station, near Somerset (Cape York), in 1868 when he was only 21 years old. At some time he appears to have been in the Barcoo area in Central West Queensland, as Nora wrote to Rosa reassuring her that, if Lizzie did live there, it was no longer //'the unattainable uninhabitable 'terra incognita' ... You can't stretch a line 80 miles in a given direction there now without touching a piano or a sewing machine - Ladies and babies are as thick as bandicoots ... and the former are very angry if you hint there may possibly be a more desirable place of residence.'//((Nora M-P to Rosa Praed, 13 May 1883, Praed papers, QJO)) Despite this reassuring description of the Barcoo, after their marriage, Lizzie stayed with the Jardines in Rockhampton while her husband set up a home for her at Aberfoyle Station in western Queensland (just over 1,000 km northwest of Brisbane), breeding sheep and cattle.((For more on this property see 4pp of loose 1888 balance sheets for Aberfoyle station, now in ML. It was with a report of Queensland post service for 1864, donated to the ML with TLM-P's diaries.)) TLM-P became a partner with Jack Jardine of Aberfoyle in 1885 to try to secure Lizzie's future.((Kay Ferres, ‘”I must dree my weird”: A colonial Correspondence’, Hecate, 31:2, 2005, p.70.)) Lizzie's brothers Morres, Hugh and Egerton subsequently worked at the property at various times.((Burke; ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Nora had hoped that Jack and Lizzie would settle at Rathdowny, both for her own pleasure in Lizzie's company and because of Lizzie's ill-health, but it was not to be.((Nora to Rosa, ?22 march 1882)) \\ .  Jack Jardine had taken charge of Vallack Point Station, near Somerset (Cape York), in 1868 when he was only 21 years old. At some time he appears to have been in the Barcoo area in Central West Queensland, as Nora wrote to Rosa reassuring her that, if Lizzie did live there, it was no longer //'the unattainable uninhabitable 'terra incognita' ... You can't stretch a line 80 miles in a given direction there now without touching a piano or a sewing machine - Ladies and babies are as thick as bandicoots ... and the former are very angry if you hint there may possibly be a more desirable place of residence.'//((Nora M-P to Rosa Praed, 13 May 1883, Praed papers, QJO)) Despite this reassuring description of the Barcoo, after their marriage, Lizzie stayed with the Jardines in Rockhampton while her husband set up a home for her at Aberfoyle Station in western Queensland (just over 1,000 km northwest of Brisbane), breeding sheep and cattle.((For more on this property see 4pp of loose 1888 balance sheets for Aberfoyle station, now in ML. It was with a report of Queensland post service for 1864, donated to the ML with TLM-P's diaries.)) TLM-P became a partner with Jack Jardine of Aberfoyle in 1885 to try to secure Lizzie's future.((Kay Ferres, ‘”I must dree my weird”: A colonial Correspondence’, Hecate, 31:2, 2005, p.70.)) Lizzie's brothers Morres, Hugh and Egerton subsequently worked at the property at various times.((Burke; ‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Nora had hoped that Jack and Lizzie would settle at Rathdowny, both for her own pleasure in Lizzie's company and because of Lizzie's ill-health, but it was not to be.((Nora to Rosa, ?22 march 1882)) \\ . 
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-As with so many of TLM-P's ventures - not to mention Jack Jardine's - the property was not profitable, with the 1890s drought the last straw.((Anne Alloway and Roberta Morrison,//Tales from Bush Graves. A study of bush graves in north-west Queensland,// Brisbane: Boolarong Press, 2012, p.2.)) A key reason was its unreliable water supply.((//Otago Witness//, issue 2668, 3 May 1905, p.8.)) TLM-P's 1892 will states that the property cost him £10,070 and that, by then, the partnership had a £8,000 mortgage.((copy of will with J. Godden.)) Aberfoyle was sold after TLM-P's death and, in 1905, the Queensland Supreme Court was told that the loss that entailed was the chief reason the estate could not afford to pay the bequests.((//The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser//, 3 November 1905, p.6.)) By 1911, Lizzie lived at //Fairview//, Old Sandgate Road, Brisbane. When Jack Jardine died from pneumonia((M-P family papers, NLA Ms 7801, folder 25, Ruth? M-P to Rosa Praed?, 1 October 1911.)) at [[wp>Southport,_Queensland|Southport]] in 1911, he worked for Messrs Aplin, Brown and Co., a major mercantile company operating in north Queensland.((Wiki entry for Aplin, Brown and Co; Jill Fleming, email to J. Godden, 18 January 2018))\\+As with so many of TLM-P's ventures - not to mention Jack Jardine's - the property was not profitable, with the 1890s drought the last straw.((Anne Alloway and Roberta Morrison,//Tales from Bush Graves. A study of bush graves in north-west Queensland,// Brisbane: Boolarong Press, 2012, p.2.)) A key reason was its unreliable water supply.((//Otago Witness//, issue 2668, 3 May 1905, p.8.)) TLM-P's 1892 will states that the property cost him £10,070 and that, by then, the partnership had a £8,000 mortgage.((copy of will with J. Godden.)) Aberfoyle was sold after TLM-P's death and, in 1905, the Queensland Supreme Court was told that the loss that entailed was the chief reason the estate could not afford to pay the bequests.((//The Richmond River Express and Cas%%i%%no Kyogle Advertiser//, 3 November 1905, p.6.)) By 1911, Lizzie lived at //Fairview//, Old Sandgate Road, Brisbane. When Jack Jardine died from pneumonia((M-P family papers, NLA Ms 7801, folder 25, Ruth? M-P to Rosa Praed?, 1 October 1911.)) at [[wp>Southport,_Queensland|Southport]] in 1911, he worked for Messrs Aplin, Brown and Co., a major mercantile company operating in north Queensland.((Wiki entry for Aplin, Brown and Co; Jill Fleming, email to J. Godden, 18 January 2018))\\
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 Perhaps due to Lizzie's poverty as a widow, in 1924 her sister-in-law [[thomas_de_montmorenci_florence_mary_m-p|Mary M-P]] left her an annuity of £50 (i.e. paying her £50 a year for the rest of her life).((Mary Bundock, will, in F.F. Bundock papers, MLA5396)) In October 1933, Lizzie was living at Langhram, Scarborough St., Southport. The JOL has a photo of her in her later years.\\ Perhaps due to Lizzie's poverty as a widow, in 1924 her sister-in-law [[thomas_de_montmorenci_florence_mary_m-p|Mary M-P]] left her an annuity of £50 (i.e. paying her £50 a year for the rest of her life).((Mary Bundock, will, in F.F. Bundock papers, MLA5396)) In October 1933, Lizzie was living at Langhram, Scarborough St., Southport. The JOL has a photo of her in her later years.\\
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  6. **Hervey** Morres (9 September 1856((Qld Births registration no. C543))-1 January 1887.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry. Queensland online death registration C1359 gives his first name as 'Henry', an easy mistake to make.)) His godmother was his English step-aunt Jemima Prior.((TLM-P, diary, 17 July 1864)) {{ :hervey_m-p.jpg?200|}} Photo: Hervey as young man, full of promise.((Provenance: J. Godden))\\  6. **Hervey** Morres (9 September 1856((Qld Births registration no. C543))-1 January 1887.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry. Queensland online death registration C1359 gives his first name as 'Henry', an easy mistake to make.)) His godmother was his English step-aunt Jemima Prior.((TLM-P, diary, 17 July 1864)) {{ :hervey_m-p.jpg?200|}} Photo: Hervey as young man, full of promise.((Provenance: J. Godden))\\
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-Hervey was born at Hawkwood Station, baptised by the Rev. Mr Dodd, and was buried in South Brisbane (later called Toowong) Cemetery.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) After school in Tasmania, Hervey gained a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney, where he lived at St Paul's College. Is is said to have gained a classical first class honours.(([[http://www.stpauls.edu.au/home/contribute/benefactors/founders-of-scholarships-and-prizes]]; M-P family papers, NLA MS 7801, 15/30; Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.87.)) Despite his alcoholism, he became a barrister and Master of Titles for Queensland. He was also a member of the 'Colony of Queensland Society'.((Bernard Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry//, Melbourne: E.A. Petherick, 1891-95, p.50.)) From the early 1880s until 1885, Hervey leased one of Brisbane's historic houses, [[wp>Middenbury_House|Middenbury]] which now has the address of 600 Coronation Drive, Toowong.((ABC Studios, Heritage  Register, entry for Middenbury))\\+Hervey was born at Hawkwood Station, baptised by the Rev. Mr Dodd, and was buried in South Brisbane (later called Toowong) Cemetery.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) After school in Tasmania, Hervey gained a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney, where he lived at St Paul's College. Is is said to have gained a classical first class honours.(([[http://www.stpauls.edu.au/home/contribute/benefactors/founders-of-scholarships-and-prizes]]; M-P family papers, NLA MS 7801, 15/30; Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.87.)) Despite his alcoholism, in 1879 he became a barrister. As Darbyshire outlines, Hervey appeared as the barrister in court cases in and around Brisbane, For example, in 1881, he was a prosecutor in the City Police Court on a forgery case ((The Queenslander, 30 April 1881.)) and in the Southern District Court at Ipswich and later Dalby.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 23 November 1881)) By 1882, he was appointed to the Board of Examiners for Attorneys.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 23 November 1881)) He was also a member of the 'Colony of Queensland Society'.((Bernard Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry//, Melbourne: E.A. Petherick, 1891-95, p.50.)) From the early 1880s until 1885, Hervey leased one of Brisbane's historic houses, [[wp>Middenbury_House|Middenbury]] which now has the address of 600 Coronation Drive, Toowong.((ABC Studios, Heritage  Register, entry for Middenbury))\\
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 Hervey married Margaret (Maggie) Macdonald in 1881 - with various spellings of Macdonald'. She was described as the daughter of the late Alexander Macdonald.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 24 August 1881, p.2.)) While the extended clan of the McDonalds lived on the neighbouring [[wp>Dugandan,_Queensland|Dugandan]] Station, TLM-P indicated that her father (had?) lived in Brisbane.((cf. Woolcock, Helen, M. John Thearle, Kay Saunders, '"My beloved chloroform'. Attitudes to Childbearing in Colonial Queensland: a case study', //Social History of Medicine//, 1997, p.441.)) It was a short-lived and troubled marriage, with Hervey dying aged 30 when his son, Hervey McDonald M-P, was four. Even before Hervey's death, TLM-P and Nora assumed responsibility for Maggie and her son. In August 1882, when TLM-P was away, they came to stay at Maroon.((TLM-P, Diary, 16 August 1882)) Maggie and her son also accompanied TLM-P, Nora and other family members on their visit to England in 1885.((//The Queenslander//, 5 December 1885, p.909.))\\ Hervey married Margaret (Maggie) Macdonald in 1881 - with various spellings of Macdonald'. She was described as the daughter of the late Alexander Macdonald.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 24 August 1881, p.2.)) While the extended clan of the McDonalds lived on the neighbouring [[wp>Dugandan,_Queensland|Dugandan]] Station, TLM-P indicated that her father (had?) lived in Brisbane.((cf. Woolcock, Helen, M. John Thearle, Kay Saunders, '"My beloved chloroform'. Attitudes to Childbearing in Colonial Queensland: a case study', //Social History of Medicine//, 1997, p.441.)) It was a short-lived and troubled marriage, with Hervey dying aged 30 when his son, Hervey McDonald M-P, was four. Even before Hervey's death, TLM-P and Nora assumed responsibility for Maggie and her son. In August 1882, when TLM-P was away, they came to stay at Maroon.((TLM-P, Diary, 16 August 1882)) Maggie and her son also accompanied TLM-P, Nora and other family members on their visit to England in 1885.((//The Queenslander//, 5 December 1885, p.909.))\\
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 **For more on Hervey and Margaret M-P and their son, click on [[Hervey]]**\\ **For more on Hervey and Margaret M-P and their son, click on [[Hervey]]**\\
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- 7. **Redmond** (26 October 1858((Qld Births registration no. B781/1858; TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846; T.A M-P's Family Bible states he was born 25 October 1858 at Cleveland but this would appear to be incorrect.)) - 21 January 1911((Qld Death C198/1911.)) 'Reddie' or 'Red', as his family called him, was born at [[wp>Eskgrove|Eskgrove]] house, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane and baptised there by the Rev. B.E. Shaw. THM-P gave his occupation at the time of Redmond's birth as 'gentleman'.((Qld Births registration no. B781/1858;‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Redmond was a family name; TLM-P visited the house at Brighton where an earlier Redmond M-P had lived.((TLM-P, Diary, 25 June 1882)) In 1882, the 24 year old Redman was being 'obstinate', causing problems for his step-mother while his father was away.((TLM-P, Diary, 16 August 1882)). The following year she wrote that 'Red has real force of character & will do well I think, I wish that his body were as strong as his mind, but I believe that he has been stronger lately.'((Nora to Rosa, 3 December 1883))\\ + 7. **Redmond** (26 October 1858((Qld Births registration no. B781/1858; TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846; T.A M-P's Family Bible states he was born 25 October 1858 at Cleveland but this would appear to be incorrect.)) - 21 January 1911((Qld Death C198/1911.)) 'Reddie' or 'Red', as his family called him, was born at [[wp>Eskgrove|Eskgrove]] house, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane and baptised there by the Rev. B.E. Shaw. THM-P gave his occupation at the time of Redmond's birth as 'gentleman'.((Qld Births registration no. B781/1858;‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Redmond was a family name; TLM-P visited the house at Brighton where an earlier Redmond M-P had lived.((TLM-P, Diary, 25 June 1882)) At least n 1873, Redmond attended the High School at Ipswich, then the following year, the Grammar School at Toowoomba.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.88.))\\ 
 +In 1882, the 24 year old Redman was being 'obstinate', causing problems for his step-mother while his father was away.((TLM-P, Diary, 16 August 1882)). The following year he did 'a runner' from where he was supposed to be working at Rathdowney. Nevertheless, Nora wrote that 'Red has real force of character & will do well I think, I wish that his body were as strong as his mind, but I believe that he has been stronger lately.'((Nora to Rosa, 3 December 1883)) Against this is his appearance on 22 March 1894 in the Police Court for disorderly conduct, for which he paid a 5 shilling fine.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 22 March 1894, cited by Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.88.))\\ 
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 He died aged 52 on Proserpine railway station, reportedly boarding a train so that he could see a doctor at Bowen. His death certificate indicates that he had seen a doctor the day he died, and that his cause of death was pneumonia. His sister Lizzie was the informant and described him as a 'farmer'.((Qld Death C198/1911.)) Redmond had lived in [[wp>Proserpine,_Queensland|Proserpine, north Queensland]] for over 20 years. He had pursued mining interests (the area is known for its gold) in the district and had, shortly before his death, acquired an interest in a farm at nearby Kelsey Creek.((//Bowen Independent//, 24 January 1911, p.2.)) To date we have no more information about the adult Reddie, other than a comment by his step-mother in 1880 that Alice Bundock was attached to him (Alice's sister Mary became the second wife of Redmond's eldest brother Thomas de M. M-P).((Nora to Rosie, 29 December [1880?], Praed papers, QJO OM64-1, 4/2/1-4)) The attachment did not come to anything and they both died unmarried. Red had no known partner nor children.\\ He died aged 52 on Proserpine railway station, reportedly boarding a train so that he could see a doctor at Bowen. His death certificate indicates that he had seen a doctor the day he died, and that his cause of death was pneumonia. His sister Lizzie was the informant and described him as a 'farmer'.((Qld Death C198/1911.)) Redmond had lived in [[wp>Proserpine,_Queensland|Proserpine, north Queensland]] for over 20 years. He had pursued mining interests (the area is known for its gold) in the district and had, shortly before his death, acquired an interest in a farm at nearby Kelsey Creek.((//Bowen Independent//, 24 January 1911, p.2.)) To date we have no more information about the adult Reddie, other than a comment by his step-mother in 1880 that Alice Bundock was attached to him (Alice's sister Mary became the second wife of Redmond's eldest brother Thomas de M. M-P).((Nora to Rosie, 29 December [1880?], Praed papers, QJO OM64-1, 4/2/1-4)) The attachment did not come to anything and they both died unmarried. Red had no known partner nor children.\\
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 9. **Hugh** (26 July 1861((Qld Births registration no. B695; TLM-P gives 26 July 1861, TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846; Robert M-P has 25 July as does T.A. M-P's Family Bible.)) - 28 December 1896).((Burke has 1895; Robert M-P states he died c.27 December 1897; His death was registered in 1896, Qld Death registration C6; T.A.M-P's Family Bible has his death in 1896 at Annie Vale station.))  If later belief is correct, Hugh's half-sister was born less than a fortnight after Hugh, to TLM-P and [[wait_there_s_more|Annie Smith]]. \\ 9. **Hugh** (26 July 1861((Qld Births registration no. B695; TLM-P gives 26 July 1861, TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, //A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846; Robert M-P has 25 July as does T.A. M-P's Family Bible.)) - 28 December 1896).((Burke has 1895; Robert M-P states he died c.27 December 1897; His death was registered in 1896, Qld Death registration C6; T.A.M-P's Family Bible has his death in 1896 at Annie Vale station.))  If later belief is correct, Hugh's half-sister was born less than a fortnight after Hugh, to TLM-P and [[wait_there_s_more|Annie Smith]]. \\
-{{:reddie_and_hugh_enhanced.jpg?250|}} The photo is of Hugh (right) with his older brother Redmond.((Like the one above, the photo is from TLM-P's album. Provenance: J. Godden)) Hugh was born at Cleveland and baptised at Brisbane by the Rev. John Bliss.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) In 1882, his step-mother wrote to TLM-P that 21-year Hugh was 'breaking out again'probably referring to his drinking. TLM-P immediately wrote to him, hoping 'it will have some effect upon him.'((TLM-P, Diary, 16 August 1882)) After TLM-P returned, Hugh ran away - initially, it was thought he had  joined a travelling theatre group. His venture into independence was not a success and finally Hugh, via his brother Hervey, obtained money from his father to return home.((Nora to Rosa, feb? date? 1883)) Nora considered he had returned 'so manly & self reliant & so much improved in every way'. His brother Tom wanted Hugh to be a bushman, but Nora did not think his talents lay that way.((Nora to Rosa, 3 December 1883)) She was probably correct.\\+{{:reddie_and_hugh_enhanced.jpg?250|}} The photo is of Hugh (right) with his older brother Redmond.((Like the one above, the photo is from TLM-P's album. Provenance: J. Godden)) Hugh was born at Cleveland and baptised at Brisbane by the Rev. John Bliss.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) He is believed to have attended Hobart High School in 1874-79.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.89.)) 
 +In 1882, when TLM-P was away in England, his family became very worried about Hugh. He was apparently working for the law firm Little & Brown but was seen as lazyover-weight and succumbing to the 'frightful yearning for drink'His family, including TLM-Pwrote to him, hoping 'it will have some effect upon him.'((TLM-P, Diary, 16 August 1882)) and his eldest brother Tom offered him a home where he hoped work 'in the healthy rough bush would do him good'. One of Tom's letter implies that Hugh was guilty of the 'despicable' crimes of 'drunkenness and theft'; he attributed Hugh and Morres' poor character as due to being too young when they went to school as well as the 'want of principle among the Tasmanian boys'.((T de M. M-P letters to Nora, 13 & 27 August & 3 September 1882, NLA, Box4?, MS 7801.))  After TLM-P returned, Hugh again ran away - initially, it was thought he had joined a travelling theatre group. His venture into independence was not a success and finally Hugh, via his brother Hervey, obtained money from his father to return home.((Nora to Rosa, feb? date? 1883)) Nora considered he had returned 'so manly & self reliant & so much improved in every way'. His brother Tom wanted Hugh to be a bushman, but Nora did not think his talents lay that way.((Nora to Rosa, 3 December 1883)) She was probably correct.\\
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 By the late 1880s or early 1890s Hugh, like his brother Morres, was living on Aberfoyle Station, jointly owned by his father and his brother-in-law, John Jardine.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Isobel Hannah wrote that he died 'from sunstroke on a lonely track between Annie Vale and Doongmabulla', in central Queensland.((Isobel Hannah, 'The Royal Descent of the First Postmaster-General of Queensland', Queensland Geographical Journal, vol. LV, 1953-54, p.12.)) He never married but possibly had two children.\\ By the late 1880s or early 1890s Hugh, like his brother Morres, was living on Aberfoyle Station, jointly owned by his father and his brother-in-law, John Jardine.((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) Isobel Hannah wrote that he died 'from sunstroke on a lonely track between Annie Vale and Doongmabulla', in central Queensland.((Isobel Hannah, 'The Royal Descent of the First Postmaster-General of Queensland', Queensland Geographical Journal, vol. LV, 1953-54, p.12.)) He never married but possibly had two children.\\
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  12. **Egerton** (5 October 1866((Qld Births registration no. B6322; TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, A// Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846.))- 1 September 1936). Egerton was born at Maroon((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) and was only 2 years-old when his mother died. 'Egerton' appears to be a family name through TLM-P's mother. Significantly for TLM-P, it had aristocratic connections as the [[wp>Egerton_family|family name]] of the Dukes of Bridgewater and Sutherland, as well as of various earls. In 1882, TLM-P stayed with John Skynner Egerton Bishop who lived at Brighton.((TLM-P, Diary 27 June 1882)) **For more, click on [[Bishop]].** \\  12. **Egerton** (5 October 1866((Qld Births registration no. B6322; TLM-P, genealogical notes in John & John B. Burke, A// Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland: M to Z//, London: Henry Colburn Publisher, 1846.))- 1 September 1936). Egerton was born at Maroon((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) and was only 2 years-old when his mother died. 'Egerton' appears to be a family name through TLM-P's mother. Significantly for TLM-P, it had aristocratic connections as the [[wp>Egerton_family|family name]] of the Dukes of Bridgewater and Sutherland, as well as of various earls. In 1882, TLM-P stayed with John Skynner Egerton Bishop who lived at Brighton.((TLM-P, Diary 27 June 1882)) **For more, click on [[Bishop]].** \\
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-Egerton inherited his grandfather's (and mother's?) love of poetry, publishing his //Poems// (Brisbane: Watson, Ferguson & Co. Printers) in 1893.((This 16pp booklet was selected for digitalisation by the John Oxley Library in 2016, but it doesn't appear to have happened yet.)) Poetry was a skill likely to have been nurtured by his step-mother. Egerton was 6 years old when Nora married his father, and she agreed to help educate him home at Maroon until he was nearly 14, when he was sent to school.((Woolcock, Helen, M. John Thearle, Kay Saunders, '"My beloved chloroform'. Attitudes to Childbearing in Colonial Queensland: a case study', //Social History of Medicine//, 1997, p.441; Nora to Rosa, Praed papers, 25 July 1880, JOL.))He went to school in Brisbane, boarding nearby. When he was older, with his brother Hugh, he lived with his brother Hervey((Nora to Rosa, Praed papers, 14 March 1883)). In 1883, his step-mother described Egerton as 'growing very handsome, is steady & affectionate, & tho he has not set the Brisbane river on fire, has made himself a great favourite with his masters. He was 17 last Oct. & I do not think when he comes home this time, that he will go back to school again.'((Nora to Rosa, 3 December 1883)) \\+Egerton inherited his grandfather's (and mother's?) love of poetry, publishing his //Poems// (Brisbane: Watson, Ferguson & Co. Printers) in 1893.((This 16pp booklet was selected for digitalisation by the John Oxley Library in 2016, but it doesn't appear to have happened yet.)) Poetry was a skill likely to have been nurtured by his step-mother. Egerton was 6 years old when Nora married his father, and she agreed to help educate him home at Maroon.((Woolcock, Helen, M. John Thearle, Kay Saunders, '"My beloved chloroform'. Attitudes to Childbearing in Colonial Queensland: a case study', //Social History of Medicine//, 1997, p.441; Nora to Rosa, Praed papers, 25 July 1880, JOL.)) He went to school (at least May 1878) at the High School, Hobart((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.90.)) and at some stage school in Brisbane, boarding nearby, perhaps with his brother Hugh at his brother Hervey's place.((Nora to Rosa, Praed papers, 14 March 1883)). In 1883, his step-mother described Egerton as 'growing very handsome, is steady & affectionate, & tho he has not set the Brisbane river on fire, has made himself a great favourite with his masters. He was 17 last Oct. & I do not think when he comes home this time, that he will go back to school again.'((Nora to Rosa, 3 December 1883)) In around 1888, he appears to have tried working on Bulli station with his brother Tom de M M-P, but he did not think he was suited to managing a station.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.90.))\\ 
 {{:egerton_poetry.jpg?300|}} Cover of Egerton's poems, ML A821/P658.2/1A1. **For more, click on [[Egerton's poetry]].**\\ {{:egerton_poetry.jpg?300|}} Cover of Egerton's poems, ML A821/P658.2/1A1. **For more, click on [[Egerton's poetry]].**\\
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 Egerton and Sara Arbuthnot Crawford (b. St James' Park, London) married on 30 April 1894 at St Andrew's Church of England, Lutwyche in Brisbane.((This church has since been replaced, see {{http://www.lutwycheanglican.org.au/about-us/history}})) They appeared to lead a somewhat nomadic rural life in south-west Queensland. In 1895, they lived on a station called Killarney at [[wp>Augathella|Augathella]].(( //The Queenslander//, 11 May 1895, p.909.)) When TLM-P filled in family details for Burke's //Colonial Gentry//, they lived at Moorlands, Malvern Hills, [[wp>Blackall,_Queensland|Blackall]].((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) By 1900, their address was Hoganthulla Downs in the Darling Downs; Sara's sisters lived at Eton, the Church of England school at Nundah.((//The Queenslander//, 7 April 1900, p.670.))\\ Egerton and Sara Arbuthnot Crawford (b. St James' Park, London) married on 30 April 1894 at St Andrew's Church of England, Lutwyche in Brisbane.((This church has since been replaced, see {{http://www.lutwycheanglican.org.au/about-us/history}})) They appeared to lead a somewhat nomadic rural life in south-west Queensland. In 1895, they lived on a station called Killarney at [[wp>Augathella|Augathella]].(( //The Queenslander//, 11 May 1895, p.909.)) When TLM-P filled in family details for Burke's //Colonial Gentry//, they lived at Moorlands, Malvern Hills, [[wp>Blackall,_Queensland|Blackall]].((‘Questions to be answered by T.L.M-P’, 6pp Memoranda by the Herald Office, Somerset House, London re Burke’s Colonial Gentry.)) By 1900, their address was Hoganthulla Downs in the Darling Downs; Sara's sisters lived at Eton, the Church of England school at Nundah.((//The Queenslander//, 7 April 1900, p.670.))\\
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-Sara died, aged 38, in a Toowoomba private hospital in 1903.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 21 January 1903, p.4; Qld death registration C1358)) He became a diary farmer at [[wp>Nambour,_Queensland|Nambour]] in Queensland, but went bankrupt.((M-P family papers, NLA MS 7801, special set 15/83)) In a codicil to his will just before he died in December 1892, TLM-P provided for Egerton's £3,000 legacy being paid to him before his father's death; presumably to protect the money from creditors, he also stipulated that no income be paid to Egerton (or his younger brothers) while bankrupt, although it could be paid to any wife or children.((codicil, copy with J. Godden.)) Sara and Egerton had one son. For more information click on [[Rosa Praed's, Lizzie Jardine's, Hervey & Egerton M-P's children without known direct descendants]] \\+Sara died, aged 38, in a Toowoomba private hospital in 1903.((//The Brisbane Courier//, 21 January 1903, p.4; Qld death registration C1358)) He was a diary farmer at [[wp>Nambour,_Queensland|Nambour]] in Queensland, but went bankrupt((M-P family papers, NLA MS 7801, special set 15/83))in 1904. Egerton paid his creditors 16 shillings in the £(20 shillings).((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.90.))  In a codicil to his will just before he died in December 1892, TLM-P provided for Egerton's £3,000 legacy being paid to him before his father's death; presumably to protect the money from creditors, he also stipulated that no income be paid to Egerton (or his younger brothers) while bankrupt, although it could be paid to any wife or children.((codicil, copy with J. Godden.)) Sara and Egerton had one son. For more information click on [[Rosa Praed's, Lizzie Jardine's, Hervey & Egerton M-P's children without known direct descendants]] \\
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 In 1905, Egerton married again, to Annie Grace (known as Grace) Crawford, his late wife's sister.((Qld marriage registration C2010; Annie was born in 1879, daughter of Fergus and Agnes Crawford, Birth registration number B24396)) Marriage with a deceased wife's sister was common but still fiercely opposed by sections of the church.((Charlotte Frew, Marriage to a Deceased Wife's Sister in England and Australia 1835-1907, PhD, Macquarie University, 2012.)) In 1908, Egerton and Grace reportedly still lived at Nambour.((//The Queenslander//, 19 September 1908, p.12.)) In August 1911, Ruth M-P wrote to Rosa Praed that she had seen Egerton and Grace - he was looking prosperous and had just bought his neighbour's farm but, she added, Egerton's 'swans are often geese'.((M-P family papers, NLA MS 7801, folder 25.)) In 1912, still at Nambour, he was one of a large group of people fined 5 shillings for 'Omission to furnish sugar cane producer's return; Omission to cut beer duty stamp' thereby contravening the Excise Act.((//Commonwealth of Australia Gazette//, 6 July 1912 [Issue No.45], p.1239.))\\     In 1905, Egerton married again, to Annie Grace (known as Grace) Crawford, his late wife's sister.((Qld marriage registration C2010; Annie was born in 1879, daughter of Fergus and Agnes Crawford, Birth registration number B24396)) Marriage with a deceased wife's sister was common but still fiercely opposed by sections of the church.((Charlotte Frew, Marriage to a Deceased Wife's Sister in England and Australia 1835-1907, PhD, Macquarie University, 2012.)) In 1908, Egerton and Grace reportedly still lived at Nambour.((//The Queenslander//, 19 September 1908, p.12.)) In August 1911, Ruth M-P wrote to Rosa Praed that she had seen Egerton and Grace - he was looking prosperous and had just bought his neighbour's farm but, she added, Egerton's 'swans are often geese'.((M-P family papers, NLA MS 7801, folder 25.)) In 1912, still at Nambour, he was one of a large group of people fined 5 shillings for 'Omission to furnish sugar cane producer's return; Omission to cut beer duty stamp' thereby contravening the Excise Act.((//Commonwealth of Australia Gazette//, 6 July 1912 [Issue No.45], p.1239.))\\    
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-Some time after Egerton retired from farming, he and Grace left Nambour. By 1924, they were reported as living in Melbourne.((//The Week//, 24 October 1924, p.26.)) He was living at 'Moorlands', Palm Avenue, Harbord, Sydney when he died on 1 September 1936.((//The Courier-Mail//, 10 October 1936, p.4.)) He and his son are buried in the family plot at Toowong Cemetery, Brisbane. Grace M-P lived until November 1950, dying at her home in another Sydney beach suburb, Bondi.((//The Sydney Morning Herald//, 28 November 1950, p.22.)) \\+Some time after Egerton retired from farming, he and Grace left Nambour. By 1924, they were reported as living in Melbourne.((//The Week//, 24 October 1924, p.26.)) He was living at 'Moorlands' (also the name of his home in the 1890s), Palm Avenue, Harbord, Sydney when he died on 1 September 1936.((//The Courier-Mail//, 10 October 1936, p.4.)) He and his son are buried in the family plot at Toowong Cemetery, Brisbane. Grace M-P lived to receive her share (£1,300) of TLM-P's estate when it was wound up in 1945.((Andrew Darbyshire, A Fair Slice of St Lucia. Thomas Lodge Murray-Prior, St Lucia History Group research paper no. 8, p.90.)) Grace died in November 1950 at her home in another Sydney beach suburb, Bondi.((//The Sydney Morning Herald//, 28 November 1950, p.22.)) \\
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 Photos of Egerton: {{:egerton_1.jpg?200|}} {{:egerton_from_tlmp.jpg?200|}}{{:egerton_2.jpg?200|}}((Provenance: J. Godden)).\\ Photos of Egerton: {{:egerton_1.jpg?200|}} {{:egerton_from_tlmp.jpg?200|}}{{:egerton_2.jpg?200|}}((Provenance: J. Godden)).\\