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politics_the_post_office [2023/10/16 21:25] – [Other aspects of TLM-P's Political Career] judithpolitics_the_post_office [2023/11/09 10:59] judith
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 TLM-P's periods as Postmaster-General are as follows:\\    TLM-P's periods as Postmaster-General are as follows:\\   
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-1. **1862 - 1 March 1866**: TLM-P's formal notice of appointment appeared in the press in January 1863.((//The Courier//, 17 January 1863,  p.6)) After taking up his appointment, he 'immediately set out on a tour of inspection' returning on 6 January 1862. After TLM-P served as Postmaster-General for four years, Parliament voted for the position of Postmaster-General to be again held by a politician. In order to retain his position, on 22 February 1866, the State Governor appointed TLM-P to Queensland's upper house, the [[wp>Queensland_Legislative_Council|Legislative Council]], which was dominated by conservative squatting interests. Such appointments were for life so he remained a member until his death in 31 December 1892.(({{https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/members/former/member-register|Qld parliament former members register}}))\\+1. **1862 - 1 March 1866**: TLM-P's formal notice of appointment appeared in the press in January 1863.((//The Courier//, 17 January 1863,  p.6)) After taking up his appointment, he 'immediately set out on a tour of inspection' returning on 6 January 1862. After TLM-P served as Postmaster-General for four years, Parliament voted for the position of Postmaster-General to be again held by a politician. In order to retain his position, on 22 February 1866, the State Governor appointed TLM-P to Queensland's upper house, the [[wp>Queensland_Legislative_Council|Legislative Council]], which was dominated by conservative squatting interests. Such appointments were for life so he remained a member until his death in 31 December 1892.(({{https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/members/former/member-register|Qld parliament former members register}})) \\ 
 +The concept of the Legislative Council was that the Legislative Councillors 'shall be a body of gentlemen of independent means and character, possessing a special aptitude for politics and inspired with a high sense of public duty. They are supposed ... [to be] the best possible substitutes for the hereditary claims to pre-eminence and the inherited capacity for statesmanship, [of the British peerage]'. The //Brisbane Courier// warned that, if they did not live up to this 'standard of political superiority' then they could not 'justify their continued political existence' in a democracy.((28 October 1885))\\
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 For a sample entry of one day of his 1862 diary about his work as Postmaster-General, see [[tlm-p_s_diaries|TLM-P's Diaries]]\\ For a sample entry of one day of his 1862 diary about his work as Postmaster-General, see [[tlm-p_s_diaries|TLM-P's Diaries]]\\
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 ====== Other aspects of TLM-P's Political Career ====== ====== Other aspects of TLM-P's Political Career ======
-On 16 October 1888 diary, TLM-P wrote that 'Mr Thynne' spoke to him - this was [[https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Members/Former-Members/Former-Members-Register/Former-Member-Details?id=803494377|Edward Thynne, the Representative of Government in the Legislative Council]] who 'said ministers had come to the conclusion that I was to take the Chair [of Committees] which rather took me by surprise.' The next day he was 'feeling anxious about being in the Chair, told Tynne not to hurry and I would not mind if I were left out. However to be as ready as I could, looked over the work and prepared, but was not sure the Govt. had not altered their plans till near the meeting. When Thynne proposed and I was put into the Chair as Presiding Chairman, returned thanks after reading prayers in a few words, felt very nervous, but got through the work which fortunately was not long somehow.... All members of both Houses kind in their congratulations.' The man who was soon to be Premier [[wp>Boyd_Dunlop_Morehead]] 'said that Ministers thought it was a tardy recognition of my services and should have been done before. ... Appointed by Legislative Council - PRESIDING CHAIRMAN - during the time President is Administrator of the Government'. The following day [[wp>Arthur_Hunter_Palmer]], the President of the Legislative Council, lent him his robes and 'Kelly the messenger helped me to dress, cannot say I felt very comfortable in my new dignity, however not so nervous as yesterday and got thro the work which was very short, well. I was sorry not to see' [[wp>John_Frederick_McDougall]] 'in his place  hope he does not feel sore about not being put into the Chair, he could not think that I had anything to do with it. ' +On 16 October 1888 diary, TLM-P wrote that 'Mr Thynne' spoke to him - this was [[https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Members/Former-Members/Former-Members-Register/Former-Member-Details?id=803494377|Edward Thynne, the Representative of Government in the Legislative Council]] who 'said ministers had come to the conclusion that I was to take the Chair [of Committees] which rather took me by surprise.' The next day he was 'feeling anxious about being in the Chair, told Tynne not to hurry and I would not mind if I were left out. However to be as ready as I could, looked over the work and prepared, but was not sure the Govt. had not altered their plans till near the meeting. When Thynne proposed and I was put into the Chair as Presiding Chairman, returned thanks after reading prayers in a few words, felt very nervous, but got through the work which fortunately was not long somehow.... All members of both Houses kind in their congratulations.' The man who was soon to be Premier [[wp>Boyd_Dunlop_Morehead]] 'said that Ministers thought it was a tardy recognition of my services and should have been done before. ... Appointed by Legislative Council - PRESIDING CHAIRMAN - during the time President is Administrator of the Government'. The following day [[wp>Arthur_Hunter_Palmer]], the President of the Legislative Council, lent him his robes and 'Kelly the messenger helped me to dress, cannot say I felt very comfortable in my new dignity, however not so nervous as yesterday and got thro the work which was very short, well. I was sorry not to see' [[wp>John_Frederick_McDougall]] 'in his place  hope he does not feel sore about not being put into the Chair, he could not think that I had anything to do with it. '\\ 
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-In his 1888 diary (30 October) TLM-P contemplated becoming Chairman of Committees - a possibility due to the illness of 'poor old Roberts', ie [[https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Members/Former-Members/Former-Members-Register/Former-Member-Details?id=1815929287|Daniel Roberts]], who died in 1889. TLM-P mused, 'This would necessitate my return before next Session and if obtained would give me employment, a good reason to live in Brisbane, and salary £500 per annum for very small work; so far just suit me, but whether the restraint and giving up my last Summer in England is not paying dear for a chance.' By 31 July 1889TLM-P had impressed his peers sufficiently to be appointed Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council, a post he retained until his death. As Chairman, when Sir Arthur Palmer the President of the Council was absent, TLM-P 'frequently occupied' the position of the Council's President.((Matthew Fox, //The history of Queensland: its people and industries: an historical and commercial review descriptive and biographical facts, figures and illustrations: an epitome of progress//, Brisbane: States Publishing Company, 1919, vol.1, p.173))\\+On 3 November 1888, TLM-P was waiting for Parliament to be prorogued. He joined around 20 members and former members for a lunch onboard a boat hosted by Thynne. To his surprise, [[https://www.sclqld.org.au/judicial-papers/judicial-profiles/profiles/csmein|Judge Mein]] 'got up and proposed my health, complimenting me on being in the Chair and other things. It is seldom I am brought prominently out, and felt very much as if it (poking fun) however returned thanks and proposed our host and leader Mr Thynne... very enjoyable day'.\\ 
 +In his 1888 diary (30 October) TLM-P contemplated becoming Chairman of Committees - a possibility due to the illness of 'poor old Roberts', ie [[https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Members/Former-Members/Former-Members-Register/Former-Member-Details?id=1815929287|Daniel Roberts]], who died in 1889. TLM-P mused, 'This would necessitate my return before next Session and if obtained would give me employment, a good reason to live in Brisbane, and salary £500 per annum for very small work; so far just suit me, but whether the restraint and giving up my last Summer in England is not paying dear for a chance.' On 7 November 1888he noted in his diary that 'Palmer seemed to like the idea of my being Chairman of Committees if I would take it, but said that I would have to be back at the opening, this is of course should I not be there another will be appointed and my chance gone in future.'\\ 
 +Roberts eventually died, still in office as Chairman of Committees in the Legislative Council, on 26 July 1889. On 31 July 1889, TLM-P was subsequently appointed to the position, a post he retained until his death. As Chairman, when Sir Arthur Palmer the President of the Council was absent, TLM-P 'frequently occupied' the position of the Council's President.((Matthew Fox, //The history of Queensland: its people and industries: an historical and commercial review descriptive and biographical facts, figures and illustrations: an epitome of progress//, Brisbane: States Publishing Company, 1919, vol.1, p.173))\\
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 This elegant illuminated letter of condolence stressed his friendship with 'most' of his political colleagues, and his status as a Queensland pioneer.((Provenance: ?Glenn M-P?)) {{:mg_1678_copy_rotated.jpg?400|}}\\ This elegant illuminated letter of condolence stressed his friendship with 'most' of his political colleagues, and his status as a Queensland pioneer.((Provenance: ?Glenn M-P?)) {{:mg_1678_copy_rotated.jpg?400|}}\\
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  • Last modified: 2024/06/12 22:00
  • by judith