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oz_visit [2018/03/18 11:17] judithoz_visit [2018/03/18 11:18] judith
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 One possibility is that TLM-P bought the land in his father's name, with there being no need for Thomas Prior visiting Queensland. Acquiring land in the names of family members was a well-established practice to get around closer settlement laws that sought to restrict large holdings of land by a few owners (as occurred in the United Kingdom). Eminent historian Ross Fitzgerald puts in bluntly: the squatters regarded selectors as intruders and cynically manipulated land regulations to keep the newcomers out. As a result 'many [squatters] resorted to "dummying" their runs (i.e., lodging land claims using the name of a family member of employee)... Queensland became "a liar's paradise" ... Most of the distinguished squatting families of the [Darling] Downs were involved....'((Ross Fitzgerald, //From the Dreaming to 1915. A History of Queensland//, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1982, p.189.))\\ One possibility is that TLM-P bought the land in his father's name, with there being no need for Thomas Prior visiting Queensland. Acquiring land in the names of family members was a well-established practice to get around closer settlement laws that sought to restrict large holdings of land by a few owners (as occurred in the United Kingdom). Eminent historian Ross Fitzgerald puts in bluntly: the squatters regarded selectors as intruders and cynically manipulated land regulations to keep the newcomers out. As a result 'many [squatters] resorted to "dummying" their runs (i.e., lodging land claims using the name of a family member of employee)... Queensland became "a liar's paradise" ... Most of the distinguished squatting families of the [Darling] Downs were involved....'((Ross Fitzgerald, //From the Dreaming to 1915. A History of Queensland//, St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1982, p.189.))\\
-Andrew Darbyshire also gives evidence that Major Prior, and not his son TLM-P, was a returning officer in April 1854 election for the County of Stanley for the NSW Legislative Council (Queensland was part of NSW until 1859). Trove reveals that the references to ‘Major Prior’ as returning officer are in the //Moreton Bay Courier//, 13 May 1854, p.9, 18 May 1854, p.1 and 5 August 1854, p.2. This supposition is supported by Nehemiah Bartley in his //Australian Pioneers and Reminiscences 1849-1894:: together with portraits of some of the founders of Australia//((J.J. Knight (ed.))) Bartley's reminiscences was published in 1896 and he knew TLM-P, so his information has some authority. He stated that TLM-P's 'father, Colonel Prior, was a genial Irishman, and the inevitable returning officer and chairman of hospital and similar election meetings in the infant days of Brisbane' due to his 'tact and good temper'.((pp216-217))+Andrew Darbyshire also states that Major Prior, and not his son TLM-P, was a returning officer in April 1854 election for the County of Stanley for the NSW Legislative Council (Queensland was part of NSW until 1859). Trove reveals that the references to ‘Major Prior’ as returning officer are in the //Moreton Bay Courier//, 13 May 1854, p.9, 18 May 1854, p.1 and 5 August 1854, p.2. This supposition is supported by Nehemiah Bartley in his //Australian Pioneers and Reminiscences 1849-1894:: together with portraits of some of the founders of Australia//((J.J. Knight (ed.))) Bartley's reminiscences was published in 1896 and he knew TLM-P, so his information has some authority. He stated that TLM-P's 'father, Colonel Prior, was a genial Irishman, and the inevitable returning officer and chairman of hospital and similar election meetings in the infant days of Brisbane' due to his 'tact and good temper'.((pp216-217))
  • oz_visit.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/06/23 20:07
  • by judith